100 Biology Questions-Answers कैं सर रोगोों का अध्ययन क्या कहलाता है? ऑरगेनोलॉजी शरीर में सबसे लम्बी कोशशका? तोंशिका कोशशका दााँत मुख्य शकस पदार्थ के बने होते हैं? डेंटाइन के शकस जोंतु की आकृ शत चप्पल के समान है? पैरामीशशयम केंचुए की आाँखें होती हैं? एक भी नहीों गाजर...
100 most important Biology Questions-Answers of previous year paper
100 Biology Questions-Answers
कैं सर रोगोों का अध्ययन क्या कहलाता है?
शरीर में सबसे लम्बी कोशशका?
तोंशिका कोशशका
दााँत मुख्य शकस पदार्थ के बने होते हैं?
डेंटाइन के
शकस जोंतु की आकृ शत चप्पल के समान है?
केंचुए की आाँखें होती हैं?
एक भी नहीों
गाजर शकस शिटाशमन का स्रोत है?
शिटाशमन A
शकस पदार्थ में प्रोटीन नहीों पाया जाता है?
मानि का मस्तिष्क का लगभग भार है?
1350 gm
रक्त में पायी जाने िाली धातु है
कौन-साि शरीर में नये ऊतकोों की िृस्ति के शलए पोषक तत्व प्रदान करता है?
बॉटनी शब्द की उत्पशि शकस भाषा हुई है?
शरीर की सबसे बड़ी ग्रोंशर् कौन है?
यकृ त
मनुष्य में मादा जनन अोंग से शकस हॉमोन का स्त्राि होता है?
मनुष्य में ऐस्तिक गशतयोों का शनयोंिण शकसके द्वारा होता है?
शरीर का तापक्रम कहााँ शनयोंशित होता है?
अमीबा में भोजन का अोंतग्रथहण शकसके द्वारा होता है?
कू टपाद
कौन-सा एोंजाइम लार में पाया जाता है?
िह प्रशक्रया शजसके द्वारा मनुष्य श्वास ग्रहण करता है तर्ा छोड़ता है िह है?
श्वासोि् िास
ऊजाथ उत्पादन के शलए कोशशका प्रायः शकसका उपयोग करती है?
शकस अशभशक्रया द्वारा पोधें में ऑिीजन बाहरी िातािरण से कोशशकाओों में पहुाँचता है?
श्वसन की अशभशक्रया में खाद्य पदार्ों की पररणशत क्या होती है?
खाद्य पदार्ों का पोधें में स्र्ानाोंतरण का मुख्य रूप रूप कौन-सा है?
एक स्वस्र् मनुष्य का रक्त चाप होता है?
मनुष्य के मस्तिष्क की सबसे बाहरी शिल्ली है?
मनुष्य के सूोंघने की क्षमता को शनयोंशित करता है?
ध्राणेंशिय पाशल
मनुष्य में बुस्ति एिों चतुराई का कें ि है?
रक्त में ग्लूकोज की मािा शनयोंशित रहता है?
इोंसुशलन के कारण
ऑिीजन है?
गोबरछता शकसके अोंतगतथ आता है?
िायुमोंडल में सामान्यतः CO2 पाया जाता है?
03 %
छाया में पनपने िाले पोधें को क्या कहते हैं?
मनुष्य में मुख्य श्वसन अोंग क्या है?
फे फड़ा
उच्च रक्त चाप की अिस्र्ा को क्या कहते हैं?
मछशलयोों में उत्सजी पदार्थ क्या है?
पोधें में आिश्यकता से अशधक जल शकस प्रशक्रया द्वारा बाहर शनकाले जाते हैं?
पोधें में गैसोों के आदान-प्रदान के शलए रहते हैं?
फे फड़ा का आकार होता है?
जन का पाचन शकस प्रकार की अशभशक्रया है?
हॉमोन शब्द का नामकरण शकसने शकया र्ा?
बेशलस एिों स्टारशलोंग
पृर्क्करण का शनयम शकसने शदया र्ा?
‘जीि-शिज्ञान’ शब्द का प्रयोग सिथप्रर्म शकसने शकया?
लैमाकथ तर्ा टरेशिरेनस ने
जीि-शिज्ञान के जनक के नाम से जाने जाते हैं?
िनस्पशत-शिज्ञान के जनक के नाम से जाने जाते हैं?
शर्योफ्रे स्ट्स
फाइकोलॉजी में शकसका अध्ययन शकया जाता है?
पयाथिरण का अध्ययन जीि-शिज्ञान की शकस शाखा के अन्तगथत शकया जाता है?
डेण्ड्र ोलॉजी का सोंबोंध है?
िाशड़योों के अध्ययन से
पुष्पोों का अध्ययन कहलाता है?
फलोों का अध्ययन कहलाता है?
साबूदाना शकससे बनाया जाता है?
शिषाणु िृस्ति करता है?
जीशित कोशशका में
शकसे िशगथकी का शपतामह कहा जाता है?
पौधोों को नाम देने िाले शिज्ञान कहलाता है?
पीडोलॉजी में शकसका अध्ययन शकया जाता है?
भूशम का
एग्रेस्टोलॉजी में शकसका अध्ययन शकया जाता है?
घासोों का
स्पमोलॉजी में शकसका अध्ययन शकया जाता है?
िनस्पशत सोंििथन से सोंबस्तित शिज्ञान की शाखा को कहते हैं?
बसे छोटा जीि है?
एण्टीबायोशटि अशधकाोंशतया पाये जाते है?
जीिाणुओों में
मानि की आोंत में पाया जाने िाला जीिाणु है?
एशररीशशया कोलाई
जो जीिाणु आकर में सबसे छोटे होते हैं क्या कहलाता है?
जीिाणुओों की साधारण आकृ शत क्या होती है?
छड़ रूपी
शजन पोधें पर बीज बनतें हैं शकन्तु पुष्प नहीों लगते क्या कहलाते हैं?
जीिाणु की खोज सिथप्रर्म शकसने की?
स्तिनाम पिशत के प्रशतपालक हैं?
सिथप्रर्म शिषाणु की खोज शकसने की?
चेचक के शलए टीके का शिकास शकया र्ा?
एडिडथ जेनर ने
दूध के दही के रूप में जमने का कारण है?
शटक्का रोग शकसमें होता है?
I.V द्वारा होने िाला रोग है?
शकस शैिाल से आयोडीन प्राप्त होती है?
लाल सागर का लाल रोंग शकसकी उपस्तस्र्शत के कारण होता है?
के ल्प प्राप्त होता है?
समुिी शैिालोों से
शैिालोों की कोशशका शभशि शकसकी बनी होती है?
जन्तुओों में होने िाली ‘ फू ट एण्ड् माउर् ‘ रोग शकसके कारण उत्पन्न होती है?
खसरा शनम्नशलस्तखत सोंक्रमण के कारण होता है?
सासथ (S.A.R.S.) क्या है?
शिषाणु जशनत रोग
कु िे के काटने से शजस शिषाणु के द्वारा घात रोग उत्पन्न होता है क्या कहलाता है?
हाइडर ोफोशबया
हाइडर ोफोशबया रोग उत्पन्न होता है?
शमरगी की औषशध शकस लाइके न से प्राप्त होती है?
जापान में लोग शकस लाइके न को सब्जी के रूप में खाते हैं?
खाली चट्टानोों पर उगने िाले लाइके न को क्या कहा जाता है?
गोबर पर उगने िाले किक कहलाते हैं?
िृक्षोों की छालोों पर उगने िाले किक कहलाते हैं?
सभी किक सदैि होते हैं?
किकोों की कोशशका शभशि शकसकी बनी होती है?
काइशटन ि हेमीसेल्युलोज
िनस्पशत शिज्ञान की िह शाखा शजसके अन्तगथत किकोों का अध्ययन शकया जाता है, कहलाती है?
मूलाोंकु र से शिकशसत होने िाली जड़ें कहलाती हैं?
मूसला जड़ें
मूलाोंकु र के अशतररक्त पौधे के शकसी भी भाग से शिकशसत होने िाली जड़ें कहलाती है?
अपस्र्ाशनक मूल
बैक्टीररया से फै लने िाला रोग है?
प्रोटीन जो कोशशका के भीतर उपयोग की जाती है,शकसके द्वारा सोंश्लेशषत होती है?
मुक्त राइबोसोम्स द्वारा
शसस्तिकल्चर िनस्पशत शिज्ञान की िह शाखा है शजसमें िणथन होता है?
शैिालोों के सोंिधथन का
शकस िगथ के पौधोों में बीज बनते हैं, परन्तु बीज नग्न रूप में पौधे पर लगे रहते है?
सबसे अशधक क्रोमोसोम शकसमें पाये जाते हैं?
टेररडोफाइट्स में
जैि उिथरक के रूप में प्रयोग शकया जाता है?
एजोला है?
जलीय फनथ
बीजोों की प्रकृ शत शकसमें उत्पन्न हुई?
श्वसन मूल शमलती है?
जूशसया में
अििम्भ मूल पायी जाती है?
गन्ने में
जड़े शिकशसत होती हैं?
मूलाोंकु र से
गाजर है एक?
Account and Audit Questions and Answers Sample Question with answers for Preparation
Applicants can download Account and Audit Questions and Answers Sample Question with answers in our website for free.
Questions and Answers on Account and Audit for Preparation
1. The combined Finance and Revenue Accounts of the Union and State Governments are prepared by –
(a) Indian Audit and Accounts Department
(b) Central Accounting Organisations of the Union Government
(c) Indian Accounts Department
(d) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
2. The person whose duty it was to check such accounts became known as the auditor, the word being derived from the word ‘Audire’ which is a –
(a) French word
(b) Greek word
(c) Japanese word
(d) Latin word
3. From January 26, 1950 (the date of commencement of the Constitution), as per Structure of Administration, India has been constituted into a Union of States comprising –
(a) 25 States and 7 Union Territories
(b) 27 States and 6 Union Territories
(c) 29 States and 7 Union Territories
(d) 32 States and 7 Union Territories
4. The executive power of the Union vests in the –
(a) Lok Sabha
(b) Rajya Sabha
(c) President
(d) Prime Minister
5. The executive power of the State vests in the –
(a) Legislature
(b) Chief Minister
(c) Governor
(d) Chief Secretary
6. As per Article ____ of the Constitution of India, each State has a separate Consolidated Fund entitled the ‘Consolidated Fund of the State’ into which the revenues received by the Government of the State, loans raised by that Government by the issue of Treasury Bills, loans or ways and means advances and moneys received by that Government in repayment of loans are credited and from which the expenditure of the State, when authorized by the appropriate Legislature, is met –
(a) Article 265
(b) Article 266
(c) Article 267
(d) Article 268
7. A statement of its estimated annual receipts and expenditure is prepared by each Government and presented to its Legislature. The Union Territory / Governments present the Statement to its Legislature with the previous approval of the President. This ‘Annual Financial Statement’ is commonly known as the –
(a) Statement of Accounts
(b) Statement of Receipt and Expenditure
(c) Statement of Receipt and Payment
(d) Budget
8. In order to have a meaningful reflection of the national development effort and also as a means for evaluating the progress of projects against set targets as well as to serve as a tool for securing the efficient management of operations entrusted to the Administration, a system of ______ has been introduced both at the Centre and in the States.
(a) Action Plan
(b) Rapid Action Target
(c) Performance Budgeting
(d) Zero Base Budgeting
9. The Finance Bill containing the annual taxation proposals is considered and passed by the Legislatures only after the Demands for Grants have been Voted and the total expenditure is known. Then it enters the Statute as the ______.
(a) Finance Act
(b) Appropriation Act
(c) Public Debt Act
(d) Contingency Fund of India Act
10. The term ‘Ways and Means’ refers to methods of maintaining the Government’s daily cash balance at a level sufficient to meet its day-to-day requirements. All moneys received by or on behalf of Government either as dues of Government or by way of deposits, remittance or otherwise enter into the cash balance. The ____ acts as the Banker to the Central and State Government (except Jammu and Kashmir and Sikkim).
(a) State Bank of India
(b) United Bank of India
(c) Central Bank
(d) Reserve Bank.
11. Generally, the current receipts of Governments fall short of the current expenditure during the earlier part of the financial year and sometime exceptionally heavy payments in excess of cash balance have also to be made. In such cases, the Central Government borrows from the Reserve Bank against issue of ______, whenever necessary, for replenishing its cash balance.
(a) Fully-Vouched Contingent Bill
(b) Scale-Regulated Contingent Bill
(c) Countersigned Contingent Bill
(d) Treasury Bills
12. All the States are divided into a number of ‘districts’ and at the headquarters of each district there is a Government treasury called the _____ with one or more sub-treasuries.
(a) State Treasury
(b) Directorate of Treasury
(c) District Treasury
(d) Government Treasury
13. The Treasury Rules of each State Government provide that moneys may be received and payments made on behalf of the State Government, as well as Union Government, including Union Territory Governments and other State Governments. After the departmentalization of accounts of the Union Government, however, only certain limited category of transactions relating to the Union Government are permitted to be routed through the ______ and such transactions are initially taken under ‘Suspense’ pending settlement by cheque / demand draft with the Pay and Accounts Officer of the Ministry / Department concerned, by the Accountant General.
(a) Sub-Treasury
(b) District Treasury
(c) State Treasury
(d) Government Treasury
14. At present, only the Loans / Grants from the Central Government to the States and the repayments of the loans and the interest by the State Governments to the Centre are settled through the medium of the _____________ and in other cases, the system is of settlement by cheque /draft.
(a) Controller of Accounts
(b) Director General of Accounts
(c) Comptroller & Auditor General
(d) Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank
15. The initial accounts of receipts and payments on behalf of the State Governments are maintained at the State Treasuries in the respective States who compile and render them monthly to the ______ concerned.
(a) Controller of Accounts of the Department
(b) Pay and Accounts Office
(c) Accountant General
(d) Director General of Accounts
16. An important duty of Audit in relation to borrowings is to see that the proceeds of loans are properly brought to account and that they are expended only on objects for which the loans were originally raised or to which borrowed moneys may properly be applied in accordance with the sound principles of ______.
(a) Public Debt
(b) Institutional Finance
(c) Public Finance
(d) Private Finance
17. The currency of India consists of coins issued under the Indian Coinage Act, 1906, as amended from time to time, one rupee notes issued by the Ministry of Finance and bank notes issued by Reserve Bank of India. Under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the sole right to issue bank notes in India has been vested in the Reserve Bank with effect from April, ____.
(a) 1934
(b) 1935
(c) 1936
(d) 1937
18. Bank notes issued by the Reserve Bank are of denominational value of two rupees, five rupees, ten rupees and one hundred rupees in Ashoka Pillar and _____ designs and are legal tender throughout India.
(a) Rajendra Prasad
(b) Krishnamachari
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru.
19. At treasuries and sub-treasuries situated at places where there is no branchy or agency of the Bank, Government holds the _______ responsible for keeping sufficient funds to meet all Government disbursements and for maintaining the balances as low as possible in order that money may not be locked up unnecessarily.
(a) Ministry of Finance
(b) Governor of RBI
(c) Currency Officers
(d) Treasury Officer
20. The transfer of funds between treasuries and sub-treasuries and branches and agencies of the Reserve Bank is effected for the most part through the medium of currency chests belonging to the ______.
(a) Ministry of Home Affairs
(b) Ministry of Finance
(c) Controller of Accounts
(d) Reserve Bank of India
21. Assuming that there are no transactions elsewhere, the deposit of currency and bank notes in a currency chest decreases the amount of such notes in circulation and the deposit of rupees and rupee notes in the chest increases the assets of the ______.
(a) Department of Currency Management
(b) Department of Education and Protection Department
(c) Issue Department of the Bank
(d) Department of Banking Regulation
22. With the phenominal growth and in the functions of Government involving huge outlays, accounts acquired a new dimension and the necessity for a more meaningful classification of transactions for presentation of Government operation in term s of functions, programmes and activities was actually felt. A team (_____) set up by the Government of India went into this question and made recommendations for reforming the structure of budget and accounts.
(a) Bhattacharjee Committee
(b) Ambedkar Committee
(c) Mukherjee Committee
(d) Patel Bhai Committee
23. The recommendations of the team were accepted by the Government of India and the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, with the approval of the President, prescribed revised classification Government transactions which were given effect to from _____ , by the Union, State and Union Territory Governments.
(a) 1972-73
(b) 1973-74
(c) 1974-75
(d) 1975-76
24. The Government Accounts are kept in the main ______ of accounts viz. (a) Consolidated Fund of India or State or Union Territory; (b) Contingency Fund of India or State or Union Territory and (c) Public Account.
(a) Divisions
(b) Parts
(c) Major Head
(d) Minor Head
25. In Part-II, namely, Contingency Fund, of the Accounts are recorded the transactions connected with the Contingency Fund set up by the Government of India or of a State or Union Territory Government under _____ of the Constitution / Section 48 of the Union Territories Act, 1963.
(a) Article 267
(b) Article 268
(c) Article 269
(d) Article 270
26. In Part III, namely, _____, of the Accounts, the transactions relating to Debit (other than those included in Part I), ‘Deposits’, ‘Advances’, ‘Remittances’ and ‘Suspense’ are recorded.
(a) Public Debt
(b) Public Account
(c) Consolidated Fund
(d) Contingency Fund
27. The main unit of classification in accounts is ______
(a) Major head
(b) Minor Head
(c) Sub-Head
(d) Sub-Major Head
28. Major Heads of account falling within the Consolidated Fund generally correspond to –
(a) Functions
(b) Programme
(c) Activity
(d) Object
29. With effect from 1st January, 1982 and in the case of Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Manipur and Sikkim from 15th January, 1982, State Governments have been entrusted with their consent, in terms of Clause (1) of ______ of the Constitution, the functions of the Central Government under Article 150 of the Constitution in so far as such functions relate to the opening of sub-heads and detailed heads of accounts under the various Major and Minor Heads of Accounts in the State concerned.
(a) Article 258
(b) Article 259
(c) Article 260
(d) Article 261
30. The detailed classification of account heads in Government Accounts and the order in which the Major and Minor Heads shall appear in all account records shall be such as are prescribed by the Central Government from time to time on the advice of the _______.
(a) Assistant Comptroller & Auditor General
(b) Additional Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General
(c) Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General
(d) Comptroller & Auditor General
31. With effect from______, the President in terms of Clause (1) of Article 239 of the Constitution, has directed the Administrators of the Union Territories of Arunachal Pradesh, Daman and Diu, and Pondicherry, subject to his control, also to discharge the functions of the Central Government under Article 150 of the Constitution in so far as such functions relate to the opening of sub-heads and detailed heads of accounts under the various Major and Minor Heads of Accounts within their respective territories.
(a) 1st January, 1987
(b) 1st March, 1987
(c) 1st April, 1987
(d) 1st June, 1987
32. In the coding pattern, the 1st digit in the Major Heads under ‘Receipt Heads’ (Revenue Account) is either 0 or 1, and the first digit for corresponding Major Heads for the same function in the Sections ‘Expenditure Heads’ (Revenue Account) ‘Expenditure Heads’ (Capital Account), and ‘Loans and Advances’ are derived by adding the number ____ to the first digit in the Major Heads in the ‘Receipt Head’ (Revenue Section).
(a) 0 or 02
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
33. Taxes collected by Government are classified under –
(a) Consolidated Fund
(b) Contingency Fund
(c) Public Account
(d) Public Debt
34. The treasury system under which the District Treasury is the basic unit and the focal point for the primary record of financial transactions of Government in the District with sub-treasuries under it at the Taluks / Tehsils in the District, was evolved more than ____.
(a) 40 years ago
(b) 50 years ago
(c) 80 years ago
(d) a century ago
35. The ______ if the District is in general charge of the treasury and is personally responsible for its general administration, for the correctness of its returns and the punctuality of their submission, and for the safe custody of the cash and other valuables it contains ; but he takes no part in the daily routine of treasury business.
(a) Block Development Officer concerned
(b) Sub-Deputy Collector concerned
(c) Sub-Divisional Officer concerned
(d) Collector or Deputy Commissioner.
36. Both the _____ and Treasurer being present, the locks and seals of the gates of the strong-room are made over intact by the guard and the room is opened, each official using his own key, and sufficient cash and notes to meet the probable demands of the day are taken out, made over to the Treasurer, and entered in his accounts.
(a) District Collector
(b) Deputy Commissioner
(c) Assistant Deputy Commissioner
(d) Treasury Officer
37. In the case of receipts, the treasury checks the correctness of classification and completeness of the _____.
(a) Bills
(b) Challans
(c) Vouchers
(d) Sub-Vouchers
38. In the cases where challans are countersigned by the departmental officers and the treasury does not handle cash business of the Government, _______ ensures the correctness of classification and completeness of challans and the depositor makes the remittances direct at the Bank.
(a) the Treasury Officer
(b) the Sub-Treasury Officer
(c) the Assistant Treasury Officer
(d) the departmental officer countersigning the challans
39. Currency Officers (RBI) are responsible for –
(a) Supplying coins to treasuries
(b) Supplying coins and notes to treasuries
(c) Arranging for transfer of funds between treasuries and banks and remittance of money between treasury and Currency Office
(d) Combination of all these functions
40. The Finance Accounts of the Government are generally prepared in _____ part(s).
(a) 1 (one) part
(b) 2 (two) parts
(c) 3 (three) parts
(d) 4 (four) parts
41. The Constitution provides to constitute a Finance Commission at intervals of –
(a) 5 (five) years
(b) 10 (ten) years
(c) 15 (fifteen) years
(d) 20 (twenty) years
42. In the case of payment, claims are presented in the prescribed form at the treasury by the departmental drawing offices or by the public or pensioners. The bills presented by the public are countersigned by _______.
(a) Village Chowkidar
(b) Member of Panchayat
(c) Municipal Councillor
(d) Departmental Officer
43. In the case of non-banking treasuries, the treasury also performs the function of _____.
(a) Checking the bills
(b) Checking the vouchers
(c) Checking the sub-vouchers
(d) Making the cash payments.
44. The Accountant’s balance includes the balances of the sub-treasuries and also the remittances in transit between the treasuries in the district, which have to be deducted before agreement can be effected with the _______.
(a) Treasury Officer’s balance
(b) Sub-Treasury Officer’s balance
(c) Assistant Treasury Officer’s balance
(d) Treasurer’s balance
45. The Treasury Officer then verifies the cash, etc., in the hands of the Treasurer as shown in his balance and together with the Treasurer, locks it up under double lock in the strong-room which is then left for the night in-charge of the _____.
(a) Supervisor
(b) Watchman
(c) Chowkidar
(d) Guard
46. The working of the treasury proceeds in this from day-to-day and the monthly process is completed by the cash (coin and notes) present in the district treasury on the last day of the month being verified by the ______ himself or , if he is absent from headquarters or is otherwise unable to perform the duty, by a responsible assistant, the cash in each sub-treasury being similarly verified by the local officer-in-charge. An actual cash balance report for the whole district is then drawn up with which the account balance is compared.
(a) Accountant
(b) Treasurer
(c) District Treasury Officer
(d) Collector
47. The point has now been reached for the despatch of the monthly returns to the Accountant General. These monthly returns which in the case of treasuries are separate for transactions of the State and for those of the Union, consist of (i) schedules of payment in two parts, the first relating to the payment made from the first to the 10th of the month and the second part to those made during the rest of the month ; (ii) schedule of receipts ; (iii) a list of payments ; and (iv) a cash account. These are written up daily in the treasury from the ______ Cash Book and the registers subsidiary thereto, and the vouchers are day by day numbered, arranged and put away under lock and key.
(a) Treasurer’s
(b) Accountant’s
(c) Sub-Treasury Officer’s
(d) Treasury Officer’s
48. The first batch of payment schedules, supported by necessary vouchers is sent to the Accountant General on the 10th and 11th of the month ; and the remaining schedules supported by necessary vouchers, the List of Payments and the Cash Account, which is accompanied by a certificate of agreement of the account balance with the balance reported in the cash balance report of the treasury for the last day of the month, are sent on the ________.
(a) last day of the month
(b) first day of the succeeding month
(c) 10th day of the succeeding month
(d) 11th day of the succeeding month
49. The Schedules, List of Payments and Cash Account described above, as sent from each treasury monthly to the accountant General, represent the first state of compilation of the _______ accounts.
(a) Divisional
(b) District
(c) Government
(d) Public
50. In matters of accounts and check at the treasury, the Collector with the Treasury Officer under him, is responsible to the Accountant General whose instructions he is bound to carry out. The Accountant General does not, however, ordinarily interfere with the Collector’s responsibility for the _____ working of the Treasury further than by constant correspondent with him for the removal of irregularities detected in the accounts and returns submitted.
(a) Normal
(b) practical
(c) smooth
(d) proper
51. The system of central audit is confined to the offices of the Accountant-General (Audit) located in the different _____.
(a) Towns
(b) Cities
(c) Districts
(d) States
52. Local audit may be distinguished from inspection in that its purpose is to audit the initial accounts maintained in certain Government institutions and offices on the ___.
(a) Desk
(b) Table
(c) Allegations
(d) Spot
53. Here the duties of audit are not confined merely to seeing whether the initial accounts are maintained in proper form or whether the financial rules are properly observed but a test audit of accounts is conducted in sufficient detail to verify the accuracy and completeness of accounts according to the prescribed ____ for the audit of expenditure and receipts of the Union and State Government.
(a) Rules
(b) Instructions
(c) Provisions
(d) Code
54. The object of inspection of treasuries by an Audit Officer is to ____ the Revenue authorities in establishing a system of treasury working strictly in accordance with the prescribed rules.
(a) Help
(b) Guide
(c) Assist
(d) Pull up
55. The inspecting officer sees that irregularities brought to notice at the previous inspection have been _____ and that the correct procedure is being observed in respect of all matters, the procedure relating to which was considered defective previously.
(a) Rectified
(b) Removed
(c) Remedied
(d) Corrected
56. The inspecting officer does not merely confine himself to the routine audit and inspection work. He is allotted one major work or ____minor works, whether completed or in progress, for a complete analysis and examination of these accounts since commencement.
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
57. The main purpose of the local audit is to conduct a test check of the accounts for a particular period to verify the _____ and correctness of accounts.
(a) True
(b) Correctness
(c) Accuracy
(d) Exact
58. The periodicity, scope and extent of local audit of the departmental offices and offices of authorities and bodies whose audit of entrusted to the Comptroller and Auditor-General are determined by the ______.
(a) Government
(b) Local Authority
(c) Local Body
(d) Comptroller and Audit-General
59. An important element of local audit is the examination of ______ and efficiency of internal control procedures.
(a) Adequacy
(b) Accuracy
(c) Correctness
(d) Exact
60. The initial and subsidiary accounts are examined to see that they are _____ maintained in the prescribed form; that financial rules and orders are being carried out and that adequate care and scrutiny are being exercised by the departmental officers to ensure their accuracy.
(a) Smoothly
(b) Correctly
(c) Properly
(d) Systematically
61. The tender documents leading to the award of a contract for a work or supply of machinery, equipment, stores, etc., the contract, the design and estimates, the project feasibility report, periodical appraisal reports of a project, cost documents, papers leading to a financial sanction or decision, etc., are _____.
(a) Checked
(b) Verified
(c) Scrutinized
(d) Examined
62. The pay and allowances, overtime allowance claims, children’s education claims, reimbursement of tuition fees claims and T.A. Bills are _____ with reference to the local records kept in the departmental accounts offices to satisfy about the correctness of the certificates on the basis of which the claims have been drawn and to see that the rules and regulations in regulating such claims have been followed.
(a) Checked
(b) Verified
(c) Scrutinized
(d) Examined
63. The service books are _____ to see that (i) a service book is maintained for every non-Gazetted Government servant, (ii) entries of all events in the official career of a Government servant made in the service book and attested by the competent authority, (iii) no alternation is made in the date of birth without the sanction of competent authority; entries in the front page are re-attested every five years, (iv) annual certificate of verification of service is recorded in the service book.
(a) Checked
(b) Verified
(c) Scrutinized
(d) Examined
64. In the service book selected for check, the correctness of pay and _____ allowed to the Government servant from time to time for the period to which the check of service book relates, is also to be checked.
(a) Allowances
(b) Grade pay
(c) Increments
(d) Entitlements
65. It is also checked that no payment has been made to a Government servant beyond his attaining the age of _____ or on the expiry of term of extension of service sanctioned by competent authority.
(a) Retirement
(b) Quitting service
(c) Compulsory retirement
(d) Superannuation.
66. A test check of the leave accounts including accounts of persons likely to retire or likely to complete ___ years of qualifying service are checked in detail.
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 20
(d) 30
67. As a rule, ______ matters which, can be and have been set right on the spot or are of no consequence to the finances of Government, are not mentioned, but if a number of similar points are noticed, they are brought to notice, mentioning the type of error or irregularity with one or more instances, so that proper instructions may be issued for future guidance of the Government servants concerned.
(a) Trifling
(b) Un-necessary
(c) Useless
(d) Contradictory
68. Improper and irregular individual transactions are identified and cited as examples to ______ the significance of faulty practices and promote the acceptance of constructive recommendations designed to save money, avoid improper payments or other losses or promote operational efficiency.
(a) Show
(b) Record
(c) Demonstrate
(d) Exhibit
69. The statements and figures in relation to any defects or irregularities ____ are based on clear documentary evidence.
(a) Found
(b) Detected
(c) Noticed
(d) Discovered
70. Instead of quoting the rules or the order violated, the actual or possible effect of such deviation on the financial interest of Government is to be _____ clearly.
(a) Reported
(b) Stated
(c) Mentioned
(d) Explained
71. The Inspection Report is completed by the Inspecting Officer before the audit of the office inspected is ____ and it is not signed until the officer-in-charge of the Office (or any other officer acting on his behalf) has been given the opportunity for reading and discussing it and suggesting any omissions or modifications.
(a) Abandoned
(b) Closed
(c) Concluded
(d) Finished
72. The inspection report is kept as brief as possible but the points raised in it are pursued until finally _____.
(a) Disposed of
(b) Closed
(c) Perused
(d) Settled
73. The ____ Audit Notes does not require a reply in detail, but it is verified at a subsequent inspection that necessary action has been taken on it.
(a) Draft
(b) Fair
(c) Typed
(d) Test
74. Under the Audit and Accounts Order, ____, as adapted, audit of receipts accruing under Debt, Deposit and Remittance heads and of those included in the subsidiary accounts of Government Commercial undertakings devolved under on the Comptroller and Auditor-General under Paragraph 13(1) of the Order and is conducted in such manner and to such an extent as may be prescribed by him.
(a) 1936
(b) 1947
(c) 1950
(d) 1955
75. The Comptroller and Auditor-General may, with the approval of and shall if so required by, the President or the Governor of State, audit and report on the receipt of any Department of the Union or State and for this purpose the President or the Governor may, after consultation with the ________, make regulations with respect to the conduct of audit of such Department.
(a) Finance Minister
(b) Finance Commission
(c) Council of Ministers
(d) Comptroller and Auditor-General
76. Article ____ of the Constitution and Section 49 of the Government of Union Territory Act, lay down that the Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India relating to the accounts of the Union/Union Territories with Legislature and the States shall be submitted to the President or the Governor/Administrator, as the case may be, who shall cause them to be laid before each House of Parliament or Legislature.
(a) 151
(b) 162
(c) 370
(d) 371
77. Article 151 of the Constitution and Section 49 of the Government of Union Territories Act, ____, thus lay on the Comptroller and Auditor-General the duty for auditing the accounts, not only of expenditure, but also of receipts of the Union / Union Territories with Legislature and the States.
(a) 1936
(b) 1947
(c) 1950
(d) 1963
78. The detailed audit of receipts of the other major revenue earning departments like Income Tax, Excise, Sales Tax, etc., was taken up in _____.
(a) 1936
(b) 1947
(c) 1950
(d) 1960
79. ___ are collected by the State for general purpose of the community; these do not involve any direct quid pro quo from the State to the tax payer.
(a) Revenues
(b) Funds
(c) Cess
(d) Taxes
80. ____ revenues, on the other hand, involve some quid pro quo; these are, generally, receipts in return for supplies and services rendered by the State and include contractual receipts like those from sales of forest produce, gross revenues of service organisations or public utilities like road transport or railways and also surpluses of State commercial enterprises.
(a) Gross
(b) Other
(c) State
(d) Non-tax
81. The levy and collection of a tax are regulated by substantive and procedural provisions of a _____.
(a) Rule
(b) Act
(c) Legislature
(d) Law
82. A tax assessment is a quasi-judicial act; a non-tax revenue is purely an administrative ____.
(a) Power
(b) Action
(c) Decision
(d) Arrangement
83. With the passing of the Comptroller and Audit-General’s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, ____, the audit of all receipts is vested in the Comptroller and Auditor-General under an express provision in the Act.
(a) 1950
(b) 1955
(c) 1960
(d) 1971
84. The Comptroller and Auditor-General now audits all tax and non-tax ____ of the Union, States and Union Territories.
(a) Income
(b) Revenue
(c) Expenditure
(d) Receipts
85. Interpretation of law is a judicial _____.
(a) Decision
(b) Order
(c) Announcement
(d) Function
86. Audit has, therefore, to be ______ mainly with regard to the statutory provisions as judicially interpreted.
(a) Guided
(b) Streamlined
(c) Enforced
(d) Regulated
87. Audit may well point out cases where there is an apparent ____ or loophole in the law or where certain provisions in their actual working do not apparently bring out the true legislative intention.
(a) Irregularity
(b) Lapses
(c) Fault
(d) Lacuna
88. As for the rules, regulations and instructions issued by the Revenue Departments under their delegated powers, or exemptions granted by them, Audit has to see that these are issued by competent authorities after following the procedures prescribed by ____ and in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the law.
(a) Parliament
(b) Legislature
(c) Government
(d) Law
89. The most important function of audit is to see (1) that adequate regulations and procedure have been framed by the Revenue Department to secure an effective check on assessment, collection and proper allocation of taxes; and (2) to satisfy itself by adequate test check that such regulations and procedure are actually being _____.
(a) Complied with
(b) Followed
(c) Implemented
(d) Carried out
90. The Indian Audit and Accounts Department is entitled to receive a copy of an order sanctioning expenditure or a sanction which is otherwise to be enforced in audit from the authority competent to accord the _____.
(a) Approval
(b) Sanction
(c) Order
(d) Expenditure
91. With the enactment of “The Manipur Local Funds (Accounts & Audit) Act, ___, it has been the statutory duty of Local Fund Audit Department to audit the accounts of Local Authority, such as, Small Town Committees, Municipalities, District Councils, Manipur University, Board of Secondary Education, Khadi & Village Industries Board, etc.
(a) 1966
(b) 1976
(c) 1979
(d) 1984
92. In order to maintain uniformity and achieve standardisation in the form of the Audit reports, to facilitate incorporation of certain essential information which ought to be available in the Audit Reports as also to meet the statutory requirements, a model form of Audit Report on the accounts of Local Authority has been prepared as in Annexure – ______.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) I
(d) II
93. The following are the rates of audit fee to be levied from the Local Bodies, Autonomous Bodies, etc., as prescribed by the Government of Manipur, Secretariat, Finance Department (PIC) vide Order No. 8/36/89-PIC, dated ____
(a) 05/07/1966
(b) 10/04/1975
(c) 21/09/1979
(d) 15/11/1989
94. The Assistant Audit Officer / Supervising Officer of the inspecting team shall submit a bill in triplicate to the D.D.O. & Head of Office showing the particulars, such as, composition of team, accounts audited, number of days taken for audit, rate of audit fee and total amount of the bill payable by the office concerned in the specimen form given in Annexure – ___.
(a) I
(b) II
(c) III
(d) IV
95. Cash Book is the most _______ record.
(a) Important
(b) Fundamental
(c) Original
(d) Compulsory
96. All receipts are taken into account in ___ in chronological order from Receipt Book.
(a) Full
(b) Part
(c) Cash Book
(d) Bill Register
97. All vouchers are kept ____ in chronological order and are numbered serially.
(a) Tagged
(b) Filed
(c) Clubbed
(d) Properly
98. All posts for which payments are made have the sanction of the ______.
(a) Department
(b) Government
(c) Office
(d) Competent authority
99. The point that need attention in auditing the payments towards wage bills is whether the employment was sanctioned by the ______.
(a) Competent authority
(b) Office
(c) Department
(d) Government
100. Whether the detailed plans and estimates have been drawn up in time, duly approved by the _____ specified for the purpose.
(a) Competent authority
(b) Office
(c) Department
(d) Government
Introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf 2
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Introduction To Indian Government Accounts And Audit Questions And Answers Pdf – As per our readers’ demand and comments, we are publishing this article. If you want to know about introduction to indian government accounts and audit questions and answers pdf, continue reading and learn moreHow to use SOLVED PAPER OF INTRODUCTION TO INDIAN GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT
In regular Govrnment accounts, the correct allocation of expenditure to revenue or capital heads of accounts is checked by: Audit department. Detection and prevention of fraud in the Govrnment system of audit is taken care by: Checks by Executive Officers and supplemented by local audit and continuous central audit.This ‘An Introduction to Indian Govrnment Accounts and Audit ’ is intended to serve as a guide to those interested in finance, accounts and audit in India. It may not be appropriate to quote this as carrying any authority in itself.Questions and Answers on Account and Audit for Preparation. The combined Finance and Revnue Accounts of the Union and Stte Govrnments are prepared by –. Introduction to the Indian Government Accounts and Audit (Paper III) Account Test (Lower) Questions Question1:-The responsibility for watching the progress of expenditure of a grant or appropriation devolves on the A:-Executive B:-Legislature C:-Finance department D:-Audit Department Correct Answer:- Option-A Question2:-A money bill shall be introduced in A:-The House of people B:-The council of states C:-The House people or council of states D:-None of the above Correct Answer:- Option-A Question3:-Select the expenditure below which shall not be charged on the consolidated fund of union Government A:-any sum required to satisfy any judgement decree of any court B:-the emoluments and allowances of Prime Minister C:-debt charge of Govt. of India D:-salary, allowance payable to comptroller and Auditor General Correct Answer:- Option-B Question4:-State the law listed below which shall not deemed to be an amendment of the constitution for the purpose of article 368 A:-the representation of states in parliament B:-formation of new states C:-the representation of states in parliament D:-any of the list in the seventh schedule Correct Answer:- Option-B Question5:-The President of India shall be elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of A:-members of both house of parliament B:-elected members of both house parliament and legislative assemblies of the states C:-elected members of both house of parliament D:-members of both house of parliament and legislative assemblies Correct Answer:- Option-B Question6:-Court which shall have power for enforcement of any rights conferred by part III of the constitution A:-The Supreme Court B:-The High Court C:-District Court D:-(1) and (2) Correct Answer:- Option-D Question7:-National goods and service tax became law by ___________ amendment of the constitution. A:-one hundred and second B:-one hundred and fifteenth C:-one hundred and first D:-one hundred and twenty second Correct Answer:- Option-C Question8:-The executive power of states shall be vested in A:-Chief Minister B:-Council of Ministers C:-Governor D:-President Correct Answer:- Option-C Question9:-Panchayats at village, intermediate and district level have been constituted under ___________ of the constitution. A:-Article 243 B:-Article 243 R C:-Article 243 B D:-Article 243 Q Correct Answer:- Option-D Question10:-Select from below which is not constitution body or authority A:-Block panchayat B:-District panchayat C:-Municipal council D:-Town panchayat Correct Answer:- Option-C Question11:-Which article of the constitution stipulates that the Annual Financial statement be laid before the Legislative Assembly? A:-Art. 282 B:-Art. 112 C:-Art. 196 D:-Art. 202 Correct Answer:- Option-D Question12:-The authority for formation of a new state or alteration of areas or boundaries or names of existing state is vested with A:-Parliament B:-Rajya Sabha (council of states) C:-President D:-Lok Sabha (House of the people) Correct Answer:- Option-A Question13:-The authority to amend any provision of the constitution is vested in the A:-Union cabinet B:-President C:-Parliament D:-Supreme court Correct Answer:- Option-C Question14:-All contracts made in the exercise of the executive power of a state shall expressed to be made or executed by the A:-Chief Secretary to Government B:-Secretary in charge of the Department Concerned C:-Chief Minister D:-Governor Correct Answer:- Option-D Question15:-Which of the following is not a fundamental right under the constitution of India? A:-Right to Equality B:-Right to property C:-Right to freedom of speech and expression D:-Right to constitutional remedies Correct Answer:- Option-B Question16:-Under how many parts are Government accounts kept? A:-Four B:-Five C:-Three D:-Two Correct Answer:- Option-C Question17:-Which among the following is a fundamental duty? A:-Provide for equal justice and free legal aid B:-Provide for organisation of village panchayat C:-Provide for the promotion of co-operative socieities D:-Safe guard public property and to abjure violence Correct Answer:- Option-D Question18:-Whose approval is necessary for the introduction of a minor head in the state Budget? A:-Governor B:-Comptroller and Auditor General C:-Finance Minister D:-Accountant General (Audit) Correct Answer:- Option-B Question19:-Payment of grant in aid to certain states out of the consolidated fund of India on the recommendation of the finance commission is based on which article of the Constitution? A:-270 B:-269 C:-275 D:-268 Correct Answer:- Option-C Question20:-How often is a finance commission constituted? A:-At the expiry of every fifth year or at such earlier time as the president considers necessary B:-once in six years C:-once in four years or at such earlier time as the prime minister considers necessary D:-once in five years or at such earlier time as the union Finance Minister considers necessary Correct Answer:- Option-A Question21:-How many digits are there in Arabic number code for a major Head? A:-Four B:-Two C:-Three D:-Five Correct Answer:- Option-A Question22:-In public account which alphabet is assigned to denote deposits and advances? A:-M B:-J C:-N D:-K Correct Answer:- Option-D Question23:-The main unit of classification in accounts is the A:-Sub head B:-Detailed head C:-Major head D:-Minor head Correct Answer:- Option-C Question24:-Expenditure incurred with the object of either increasing concrete assets of a material and permanent character or extinguishing or reducing recurring liabilities is classified as A:-revenue expenditure B:-voted expenditure C:-charged expenditure D:-capital expenditure Correct Answer:- Option-D Question25:-Which among the following departments settle the claims against it through cheques? A:-forest B:-health services C:-commercial taxes D:-agriculture Correct Answer:- Option-A Question26:-Under which detailed head of account is the expenditure on purchase and maintenance of a staff car to be debited? A:-other charges B:-motor vehicles C:-office expense D:-travel expense Correct Answer:- Option-C Question27:-Which among the following is a commercial department? A:-Forest B:-Text Book Department C:-Commercial taxes department D:-Agriculture department Correct Answer:- Option-B Question28:-The annual accounts of the Central or State Governments are prepared for the Financial year running from A:-1st July to 30th June B:-1st April to 31st March C:-1st January to 31st December D:-1st March to 28th February Correct Answer:- Option-B Question29:-The fifth and the last tier of classification in the accounts is the A:-Detailed head B:-Sub head C:-Sub Major head D:-Minor head Correct Answer:- Option-A Question30:-The transactions relating to the contingency fund of a state are recorded under which part of the Government accounts A:-Part III B:-Part I and III C:-Part I D:-Part II Correct Answer:- Option-D Question31:-The travelling allowance of an officer paid from General Revenues when travelling on duty connected with a Local fund is charged to A:-Local fund B:-To the head of account from which he is drawing pay C:-Local fund and government on 50:50 basis D:-None of the above Correct Answer:- Option-A Question32:-Tax collected by Government are classified under A:-Contingency fund B:-Revenue account C:-Consolidated fund D:-Public account Correct Answer:- Option-C Question33:-Items of receipt or payment which cannot be at once be taken to a final head of receipt or charge may be temporarily held under which head? A:-settlement head B:-suspense head C:-remittance head D:-other receipts under revenue head to which it appears to belong Correct Answer:- Option-B Question34:-Which type of control is exercised by Audit? A:-Financial B:-Legal C:-Administrative D:-Budgetary Correct Answer:- Option-A Question35:-Who is responsible for maintenance of leave accounts of Gazetted officers of the State Government? A:-The head of department concerned B:-Head of office where the Gazetted officer is working C:-The District Treasure officer D:-The Accountant General (A & E) Correct Answer:- Option-D Question36:-Who is responsible for keeping the expenditure with in the Grant or Appropriation? A:-Director of treasuries B:-Chief controlling officer C:-Accountant General D:-Finance department Correct Answer:- Option-B Question37:-Which legislative committee examines the appropriation accounts, finance accounts and audit reports (civil)? A:-Subject committee B:-Estimate committee C:-Public Accounts Committee D:-Committee on public undertakings Correct Answer:- Option-C Question38:-The method of maintaining the Governments daily cash balance at a level sufficient to meet its day to day requirements is knowns A:-vote of credit B:-ways and means C:-vote on account D:-none Correct Answer:- Option-B Question39:-If the revenue expenditure major head of forestry and wild life in 2406, what is the corresponding capital outlay on Forestry and wildlife? A:-4604 B:-3406 C:-4406 D:-6406 Correct Answer:- Option-C Question40:-The priced stores ledger is closed for both quantities and value A:-at the end of the calendar year B:-at the end of each month C:-half yearly D:-quarterly Correct Answer:- Option-B Question41:-Among the following which is not included in the meaning of three E’s of audit? A:-Economy B:-Efficiency C:-Effectiveness D:-Empower Correct Answer:- Option-D Question42:-The issue rate of an article is fixed A:-at the beginning of each year B:-at the close of the financial year C:-at the close of the calender year D:-half year Correct Answer:- Option-A Question43:-What is the main object of investigation of frauds? A:-To identify the person responsible for the fraud B:-To quantify the amount involved C:-Whether the exercise of ordinary common sense and application of existing rules would not have rendered the fraud impossible D:-Whether similar frauds were detected earlier Correct Answer:- Option-C Question44:-BIN cards of stores is posted from A:-Issue notes B:-Priced stores ledger C:-In voices D:-Goods received sheets and store indents Correct Answer:- Option-D Question45:-A nominal roll or list of labourers employed daily on works in known as A:-Muster rolls B:-Measurement Book C:-Work Abstract D:-Contractors ledger Correct Answer:- Option-A Question46:-Detailed checking of service books are done in the case of A:-Those who have completed 25 years of service B:-Those who are likely to retire or likely to complete 30 years of service C:-Those who have availed lease without allowance for more than 25 years D:-Those who have completed probation in the entry post Correct Answer:- Option-B Question47:-The second stage of legislative control over the finances is exercised at the time of A:-Policy making B:-Budget preparation C:-Policy implementation D:-Scrutiny by the legislative committee Correct Answer:- Option-C Question48:-Which of the following is not included in the monthly returns from treasury to A.G. A:-Chellan account B:-Schedule of receipts C:-Cash account D:-List of payments Correct Answer:- Option-A Question49:-Tax assessment comes under which of the following? A:-Judicial act B:-Statutory act C:-Legal act D:-Quasi judicial act Correct Answer:- Option-D Question50:-If a member of a finance committee is appointed as a minister can he continue in the committee A:-He may continue as a member with the permission of the speaker B:-He may continue to be a member of the committee C:-He ceases to be a member from the date of appointment as minister D:-He can continue to be a member of the committee at his option Correct Answer:- Option-C Question51:-How many members are there in the Estimated committee of the parliament? A:-22 B:-30 C:-25 D:-15 Correct Answer:- Option-B Question52:-Two digit code is allotted to A:-Sub head B:-Detailed head C:-Minor head D:-Sub major head Correct Answer:- Option-D Question53:-Which of the following does not come under the main division of the Government Account? A:-Public Account B:-Contingency fund C:-Sinking fund D:-Consolidated fund Correct Answer:- Option-C Question54:-The system of Government account is based on A:-Cash based system B:-Accrual based system C:-Double entry system D:-Zero balance system Correct Answer:- Option-A Question55:-Expenditure of Capital nature is usually met from A:-Contingency fund B:-Proceeds of taxation C:-Accumulated balance with Government D:-Borrowed funds Correct Answer:- Option-D Question56:-The roll of audit and administration are A:-Complementary to each other B:-Opposite C:-Identical D:-Different Correct Answer:- Option-A Question57:-The procedure for granting advance for part of a financial year pending presentation of demand and passing the appropriation bill is called ? A:-vote of credit B:-vote on account C:-contingency fund advance D:-sinking fund Correct Answer:- Option-B Question58:-Major head for accounting revenue expenditure starts with digits A:-2 and 3 B:-6 and 7 C:-1 and 2 D:-4 and 5 Correct Answer:- Option-A Question59:-How often do the balances under ‘suspense heads’ have to be reviewed? A:-once in six months B:-at the close of the calendar year C:-at the close of the financial year D:-at short intervals to ensure that no item remains unadjusted for longer than is necessary Correct Answer:- Option-D Question60:-What type of audit is central audit? A:-Routine audit B:-Propriety audit C:-Propriety and regularity audit D:-Regularity audit Correct Answer:- Option-C Question61:-The Resource operations are carried out by whom? A:-Director of Treasuries B:-Currency officer of the RBI C:-Finance Department D:-Accountant General Correct Answer:- Option-B Question62:-Who is responsible for the preparation of the finance accounts of the State Government? A:-Finance Department B:-Director, Kerala State Audit C:-Accountant General D:-Director of treasures Correct Answer:- Option-C Question63:-The power to summon each House of parliament to meet to such time and place as he thinks fit is vested in A:-President B:-Chief justice C:-Speaker D:-Prime minister Correct Answer:- Option-A Question64:-The contingency fund of the state is at the disposal of A:-President B:-Finance Minister C:-Chief Minister D:-Governor Correct Answer:- Option-D Question65:-Who has the authority to open a new detailed head of account when absolutely necessary? A:-Finance Department B:-Finance Minister C:-Accountant General D:-Head of Department Correct Answer:- Option-C Question66:-Who has the authority to proclaim emergency when the security of India is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion? A:-Prime Minister B:-Defence Minister C:-Chief of Army D:-President Correct Answer:- Option-D Question67:-The chief justice and other judges of the supreme court are appointed by A:-Parliament B:-Prime Minister C:-Union Cabinet D:-President Correct Answer:- Option-D Question68:-Who is regarded as a friend, philosopher and guide of the committee on public accounts of the public undertakings? A:-Comptroller and Auditor General of India B:-Speaker C:-Vice-President D:-Finance Minister Correct Answer:- Option-A Question69:-Languages recognised by the constitution are included under which schedule? A:-Nineth Schedule B:-Eighth Schedule C:-Fifth Schedule D:-Tenth Schedule Correct Answer:- Option-B Question70:-The Maximum numbers of Directors of a Co-operative society is limited to A:-11 B:-15 C:-21 D:-9 Correct Answer:- Option-C Question71:-To whom does the union public service commission submit its Annual report for being laid before each house of parliament? A:-Speaker B:-Vice President C:-Prime Minister D:-President Correct Answer:- Option-D Question72:-Among the following which one is an item of expenditure charged on the consolidated fund of Kerala A:-Salaries and allowances of chief secretary to Government B:-Salaries and allowances of Judges of the High Court C:-Salaries and allowance of M.L.As. D:-Salaries and allowances of Chief Ministers and other Ministers Correct Answer:- Option-B Question73:-Who has the power to promulgate ordinances during the recess of parliament? A:-President B:-Prime Minister C:-Union Law Minister D:-Speaker Correct Answer:- Option-A Question74:-Is the comptroller and Auditor General of India eligible for reappointment after he has demitted office A:-He is eligible for reappointment B:-He can be reemployed with the permission of the prime minister C:-He can be reemployed with the permission of the president D:-He is not eligible for further employment Correct Answer:- Option-D Question75:-The state shall provide free and compulsory education to children of the ages of A:-3-9 B:-5-12 C:-6 to 14 D:-6-12 Correct Answer:- Option-C Question76:-Which list contains matters in respect of which both parliament and state legislature have powers to make law? A:-Concurrent list B:-Union list C:-State list D:-In both 1 and 3 lists Correct Answer:- Option-A Question77:-The Monthly civil accounts are prepared by A:-Director of Treasuries B:-Accountant General (A & E) C:-Finance Department D:-Head of Department Correct Answer:- Option-B Question78:-Is re-appropriation from one grant or appropriation to another grant or appropriation permissible? A:-permissible B:-can be done with the approval of Minister Finance C:-Not permissible D:-May be done if the amount involved is less than Rupee 1 lakh Correct Answer:- Option-C Question79:-The transactions relating to loans and advances made by the Government and their recoveries are accounted under A:-Grant in aid B:-Capital Account C:-Revenue account D:-Public debt Correct Answer:- Option-D Question80:-Major works come under which category? A:-Detailed head B:-Sub head C:-Minor head D:-Major head Correct Answer:- Option-A Question81:-The Vice-President shall hold office for a term of A:-Six years B:-Five years and six months C:-Five years D:-6 years or 70 years of age which ever is earlier Correct Answer:- Option-C Question82:-Amounts drawn from treasury for payment of rewards for destruction of wild animals, is an example of what kind of contingent charges? A:-fully vouched B:-special C:-contract D:-scale regulated Correct Answer:- Option-D Question83:-Which among the following is a non-tax revenue? A:-Income tax B:-Customs duty C:-Registration fee D:-Estate duty Correct Answer:- Option-C Question84:-Which among the following is a Direct tax? A:-Entertainment Tax B:-Commercial Tax C:-Motor vehicle tax D:-Agricultural Income Tax Correct Answer:- Option-D Question85:-Which among the following is an Indirect Tax? A:-Land revenue B:-Estate duty C:-Income Tax D:-Wealth Tax Correct Answer:- Option-A Question86:-The State election commission for conducting elections to Panchayat is appointed by ? A:-President B:-Government C:-Chief Minister D:-Minister in charge of Local Administration Correct Answer:- Option-B Question87:-Audit is an instrument of A:-Administration Control B:-Appropriation Control C:-Financial Control D:-Budgetary control Correct Answer:- Option-C Question88:-The control of resource operations of the Government of India and State Government vests in the A:-Finance Department B:-Accountant General C:-Treasury Department D:-Reserve Bank of India Correct Answer:- Option-D Question89:-The Budget of the Government of India consists of A:-Capital Budget and Revenue Budget B:-Revenue Budget and Performance Budget C:-Revenue Budget and Railway Budget D:-Capital Budget and Railway Budget Correct Answer:- Option-A Question90:-No money can be withdrawn from consolidated fund of a State Government untill A:-Demands for grants are passed B:-Vote on account is passed C:-Appropriation Act is passed D:-Finance Minister presents the Budget in the State Assembly Correct Answer:- Option-C Question91:-The role of Audit and Administration are really A:-Different B:-Complementary to each other C:-Identical D:-Opposite Correct Answer:- Option-B Question92:-The expenditure of Capital nature is usually met from A:-Borrowed funds B:-Proceeds of taxation C:-Contingency funds D:-Public accounts Correct Answer:- Option-A Question93:-The powers, duties and functions of the comptroller and Auditor General is relation to Audit and Accounts are derived from A:-The Constitution of India B:-Audit and Accounts order 1936 C:-Chartered Accounts Act D:-C and A.G.(DPC) Act 1971 Correct Answer:- Option-D Question94:-Collection of non-tax revenue is based on A:-Legislation B:-Purely and administrative decision C:-Quasi judicial assessment D:-The recommendation of Finance Commission Correct Answer:- Option-B Question95:-The classification of expenditure from the consolidated fund are A:-Plan and non plan B:-Charged or voted C:-Revenue and Capital D:-Revenue and Expenditure Correct Answer:- Option-B Question96:-The Acceptance of counterfeit notes is regarded as A:-Expenditure B:-Loss of cash C:-Receipt D:-Reduction in expenditure Correct Answer:- Option-B Question97:-Transit pay of a Government servant shall be debited to A:-office from which transferred B:-office to which transferred C:-either to the office from which transferred or to the office to which transferred D:-other charge Correct Answer:- Option-B Question98:-Washing allowance paid to last grade employees shall to classified under A:-Salaries B:-Honorarium C:-Wages D:-Office expenses Correct Answer:- Option-A Question99:-The introduction of any new head or minor head as well as the abolition or charge of nomenclature of any of the existing head shall require the approval of A:-The Accountant General (A and E) of the state concerned B:-The Comptroller and Auditor General of India C:-The Finance Secretary D:-The Finance Minister Correct Answer:- Option-B Question100:-In Public Accounts the alphabet K denotes A:-Deposits and Advances B:-Remittance C:-Reserve Funds D:-Suspense and Miscellaneous Correct Answer:- Option-ADiscussions about introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf
Discussions about introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf
Introduction To Indian Government Accounts And Audit Questions And Answers Pdf – As per our readers’ demand and comments, we are publishing this article. If you want to know about introduction to indian government accounts and audit questions and answers pdf, continue reading and learn more
In regular Govrnment accounts, the correct allocation of expenditure to revenue or capital heads of accounts is checked by: Audit department. Detection and prevention of fraud in the Govrnment system of audit is taken care by: Checks by Executive Officers and supplemented by local audit and continuous central audit.
This ‘An Introduction to Indian Govrnment Accounts and Audit ’ is intended to serve as a guide to those interested in finance, accounts and audit in India. It may not be appropriate to quote this as carrying any authority in itself.
Questions and Answers on Account and Audit for Preparation. The combined Finance and Revnue Accounts of the Union and Stte Govrnments are prepared by –.
Introduction to the Indian Government Accounts and Audit (Paper III) Account Test (Lower) Questions
Question1:-Under whose disposal is the Contingency Fund of India held?
A:-Finance Ministry
B:-President of India
C:-Comptroller & Auditor General of India
D:-Controller General of Accounts
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question2:-Where is the Central Accounts Section of RBI situated?
C:-New Delhi
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question3:-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure in Central Government pending authorization of parliament are given from which Fund
of India?
A:-Contingency Fund of India
B:-Consolidated Fund of India
C:-Public Account of India
D:-Union budget
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question4:-In the beginning of each month, to which office the treasuries submit the accounts supported by the requisite schedules, vouchers,etc.,
in respect of the transactions which took place in the treasury during the previous month?
B:-Director of treasuries
C:-Department of Finance
D:-Controller General of Accounts
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question5:-Who submits monthly accounts of the State of Kerala to the State?
A:-Director of Treasuries
B:-Controller general of Accounts
C:-Accountant General
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question6:-Revenues received by Central Government are credited to which Fund?
A:-Contingency Fund of India
B:-Consolidated Fund of India
C:-Public Account of India
D:-Union budget
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question7:-Loans raised by State Government by issue of treasury bills are credited to which Fund?
A:-Contingency Fund of India
B:-Consolidate Fund of India
C:-Public Account of India
D:-Consolidated Fund of the state
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question8:-Public money received by State Government is credited to which account?
A:-Contingency Fund of India
B:-Consolidate Fund of India C:-Public Account of India
D:-Public Account of the State
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question9:-General banking business of a State Government is generally carried and transacted by which bank?
A:-Syndicate bank
B:-Central bank of India
C:-Reserve bank of India
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question10:-Receipt and payments of moneys on behalf of a State falling outside its jurisdiction are ordinarily arranged through which office?
A:-Controller General of Accounts
B:-Accountant General
C:-Director of Treasuries
D:-Finance Department
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question11:-Which section of the Reserve bank of India maintains the complete accounts of the Central Government and of each of the State
Governments with the State Bank of India?
A:-Chief Accounts office of State bank of India
B:-Central Accounts Section of Reserve bank of India
C:-Chief Accounts office of central bank of India
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question12:-Who prescribes the form of Annual Finance Accounts of the State?
A:-Controller General of Accounts with the approval of Governor
B:-Comptroller and Auditor general with the approval of President
C:-Director of Treasuries with the approval of State Cabinet
D:-Finance Department
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question13:-Where are the initial accounts of all receipts on behalf of State Government generally maintained?
B:-Accountant general’s Office
C:-Controller general of Accounts
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question14:-Who compiles the accounts of defence services as a whole?
A:-Comptroller and Auditor General
B:-Controller General of defence Accounts
C:-Ministry of Finance
D:-Director of treasuries
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question15:-Transactions initially taken against the balance of a State which are eventually adjustable to the balance of another State are passed
on the Accountant General of the latter State through which accounts?
A:-Settlement accounts
B:-Exchange accounts
C:-Suspense Accounts
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question16:-Finance Accounts of Kerala State is prepared by whom?
A:-Finance Department
B:-Director of Treasuries
C:-State Secretariat D:-Accountant General of the State
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question17:-Annual General Financial Statement submitted by CAG to the president represents what?
A:-Summary of accounts of Central Government
B:-Summary of accounts/Transactions of all state governments side by side
C:-Summary of accounts/transactions of central and all state governments side by side
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question18:-What is the separate account maintained by Departmental commercial undertakings to ascertain the financial results of such
undertakings, in addition to the regular accounts is known as?
A:-Settlement Accounts
B:-Exchange Accounts
C:-Proforma Accounts
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question19:-Money settlement of transactions initially taken against the balance of state which are eventually adjustable to the balance of State is
effected through which office?
A:-Central Accounts Section of RBI
B:-Directorate of treasuries
C:-Central Bank of India
D:-Union bank of India
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question20:-Who is the authority to submit the annual Finance Accounts of Central Government to the central Government?
A:-Finance Ministry
B:-Director of Treasuries
C:-Comptroller and Auditor general
D:-Reserve bank of India
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question21:-Which among the following Department of Kerala Government of maintaining proforma accounts outside the regular Government
A:-State Water Transport department
B:-Animal husbandry Department
C:-Agriculture department
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question22:-Government accounts are generally maintained in which accounting system?
A:-Single entry system
B:-Double entry system
C:-Hybrid system
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question23:-What is the accounting period adopted by Governments in India for preparing the annual accounts?
A:-1 April of a year to 31 March of the following year
B:-1 January of a year to 31 December of the following year
C:-1 March of a year to 29 February of the following year
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question24:-Misclassification of an expense incurred on 31 March 2019 was detected on 6 April 2019. This mistake can be rectified in the accounts
for which year?
C:-Cannot be rectified D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question25:-An office incurs an expenditure of Rs.5000 on 7.4.2019. Accounts for the year 2018-19 was open till 30.4.2019 for making
adjustments. In which year’s account the expense of Rs.5000 will be booked?
C:-Either in 2018-19 or 2019-20
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question26:-Rent recovered on account of buildings in charge of departments other than public works department should be accounted as receipt
of _________?
A:-The Department holding charge of the building
B:-Public work Department
C:-Shown as deduction of maintenance expenses of PWD
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question27:-Which among of the following heads in the Government accounts are primarily meant for itemized control over expenditure?
A:-Major heads
B:-Minor heads
C:-Detailed heads
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question28:-State Accountant General with due approval of CAG submits the State Annual Finance Accounts to whom?
A:-Governor of the State
B:-President of India
C:-Comptroller and Auditor General
D:-Reserve Bank of India
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question29:-Travelling allowance of an officer paid from Local fund when travelling in the execution of Government duty shall be charged to which
A:-General revenues
B:-Local Fund
C:-Equally charged to General revenue and Local fund
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question30:-Accounting of transactions on the basis of actual cash payments and cash receipt is called __________?
A:-Cash basis accounting
B:-Accrual basis accounting
C:-Hybrid System of accounting
D:-Double entry accounting
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question31:-Expenditure on the maintenance of non-residential buildings under the administrative control of public works department and allotted
to specific functions under social and community services are shown under the appropriate major head for ________?
A:-Public works
B:-Appropriate major head for the Department for which the buildings have been allotted
C:-Suspense account
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question32:-How many main divisions are there for Part I of the Government Accounts?
C:-4 D:-6
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question33:-Which of the following form Part I of the State Government Accounts?
A:-Consolidated Fund of the State
B:-Contingency Fund of the state
C:-Public Accounts of India
D:-Public Accounts of the State
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question34:-In which order Government transactions are accounted in Government accounts?
A:-Division/Section, Sector/sub sector, Major Head
B:-Division/Section, Major Head, Sector/sub sector
C:-Sector/sub sector,Major Head, Division/Section
D:-Major Head, Division/ Section, Sector/sub sector
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question35:-Which is the main unit of classification in Government accounts?
B:-Minor head
D:-Major head
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question36:-Each minor head shall have a number of subordinate heads. What are these subordinate heads generally called?
A:-Major heads
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question37:-Which of the following form the third tier of the five-tier arrangement of classification structure of Government accounts?
B:-Major heads
C:-Minor heads
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question38:-Major heads of Government accounts generally corresponds to which of the following?
A:-Functions of the Government
C:-Programmes to achieve the objective of the functions
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question39:-Which among the following constitute the primary unit of appropriation for the purpose of Demands for grants of Government?
A:-Major heads
B:-Minor heads
D:-Detailed heads
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question40:-Whose approval is required for abolition or change of nomenclature of any of the existing Heads of classification?
A:-Finance Minister with the approval of cabined wherever necessary
B:-Director of treasuries with the approval of Finance minister wherever necessary
C:-Comptroller and Auditor general of India with the approval of President wherever necessary
D:-Controller of Accounts
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question41:-Under which Article of the constitution CAG derives the power to prescribe the Form in which the accounts of the Union and of the
States are kept?
A:-Article 150
B:-Article 149
C:-Article 151
D:-Article 166
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question42:-As per General principle of classification, expenditure incurred by Public works department for construction of a hospital shall be
debited as expenditure under which major heads?
A:-Appropriate major heads for Public works
B:-Suspense head
C:-Appropriate major heads for Medical and Public health
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question43:-Charges for intermediate maintenance of a work not yet opened for service shall be treated as ___________?
C:-Neither capital nor revenue
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question44:-The transit pay and allowance of a Government servant proceeding to join an office on transfer either temporarily or permanently is
ordinarily debited to which office?
A:-The office from which he is proceeding
B:-The office to which he is proceeding
C:-Not eligible for transit pay and allowances
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question45:-Government Transactions which incur a liability to repay the money received is accounted in which part of the Government Accounts?
A:-Part I
B:-Part II
C:-Part III
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question46:-Washing allowance to Class IV employees are classified under which head?
B:-Dearness allowance
C:-Miscellaneous allowance
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question47:-Travelling allowance and Daily allowance to officers of State Governments appointed as Members of Committees set up by
Government of India are borne by whom?
A:-State Government
B:-Central Government
C:-Shared equally
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question48:-In how many parts are Government Accounts kept?
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question49:-Who will bear the fees, travelling allowances, daily allowance and other remuneration of an officer of Government required to attend meeting or doing other works in connection with affairs of a Public sector company?
A:-The public sector company for which the officer attended the meeting or done the work
B:-Government under which is working
C:-Shared by the Public sector Company and the government
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question50:-Expenditure on public works for the construction of non-residential buildings for administrative and office purposes of Government
exclusively relating to functions under General services will be accounted for under the appropriate major head for __________?
A:-Public works or capital outlay on public works
B:-The relevant General Service
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question51:-Who is the Head of the Indian Audit and Accounts departments?
A:-Controller General of Accounts
B:-Comptroller and Auditor general of India
C:-Chairman,Niti Ayog
D:-Finance Minister
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question52:-Who is responsible for compiling the Accounts of Kerala State?
A:-Comptroller and Auditor General of India
B:-Controller General of Accounts
C:-Director of Treasuries
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question53:-To whom the CAG submits his Audit Report containing the results of audit of accounts of a State to be laid before the legislature?
C:-The Speaker
D:-Finance Minister
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question54:-In terms of which Sections of the DPC Act, the CAG is responsible for audit of transactions of various Government departments and
A:-13,16 and 17
B:-10,11 and 12
C:-11,12 and 13
D:-Section 11
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question55:-The responsibility of preparation of accounts of Union Government is now vested with whom?
A:-Comptroller and Auditor General
B:-Controller General of Accounts
C:-Niti Ayog
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question56:-The overall responsibility of co-ordination and control over Finances of Government in States is confined to whom?
A:-State Finance Department
B:-Ministry of Finance
C:-Reserve Bank of India
D:-Accountant General
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question 57:-The process of distribution of funds for the purpose of maintaining sufficient funds in all the treasuries at all times, to meet the
demands on them is referred to as __________?
A:-Resource Operations
B:-Budget allocations
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question58:-CAG reports cases of waste, loss, extravagant or nugatory expenditure to which of the following?
A:-The Government
B:-The legislature
C:-The Vigilance
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question59:-Which of the following statement relating to Stamp duty is NOT true?
A:-Stamp duties are levied by the Government of India
B:-Stamp duties are collected by the States
C:-Stamp duties retained by the States
D:-Fifty percent of the Stamp duties collected by each state are passed over to Central Government
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question60:-To whom, the Auditors of a Company after examination of the books of accounts report whether in his opinion those accounts give a
true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of its profit or loss or in what respect they fail to do so?
A:-To the Directors
B:-To the shareholders
C:-To the Finance Manager
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question61:-What is meant ‘Pay slip’ issued from Accountant General’s Office so far as State gazetted Officers are concerned?
A:-Details of Salary details for each month communicated after payment of salary
B:-Salary certificate issued to Gazetted Officers for presenting to bank etc for various purposes
C:-An intimation to the Officer concerned and to the officer in charge of the treasury at which he draws his pay, specifying the amount which
he may draw in accordance with the order of Government
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question62:-Which among the following is NOT the responsibility of Commercial Audit organization of Indian Audit and Accounts department?
The organization is responsible for:
A:-Audit of transactions of Government Companies/corporations which finds final expression in an annual Audit Report bringing out selected
topics of interest relating to them
B:-In-depth performance appraisals of selected companies/corporations; each such appraisal takes the form of a separate Audit Report
C:-Preparation of a report on systems deficiencies reported by Charted Accountants on the basis of directions by the Comptroller and Auditor
D:-Authorizing pay and allowances of officers and staff of public sector undertakings
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question63:-Who is responsible for preparing the pensions papers of Government Servant?
A:-Accountant General
B:-Head of the Office from where the Government servant retires
C:-By the Government servant himself
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question64:-Framing financial rules and orders is the function of which of the following?
A:-Executive Government
C:-Subordinated to executive Government
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question65:-Which among the following is NOT Non-Tax revenue of State government?
A:-Revenue from sale of forest produces
B:-Agricultural income tax
C:-Gross revenue from state Transport corporation
D:-Dividend from State Commercial enterprises
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question66:-Interpretation of law so far as tax matters are concerned is a ___________ functions?
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question67:-For what purpose ‘Works Abstract’ is maintained in PWD?
A:-To record in detail the cash, stock and other charges on each work whether carried out by departmental agency or contract
B:-To record the name of all works undertaken by a Division in a Financial year
C:-To record the names of all works undertaken by a Division
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question68:-Issue of stores in a Priced Stores Ledger is posted from which record?
A:-The transfer entry note
B:-The delivery Challan
C:-The indent
D:-The Goods received sheet
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question69:-Final decision as to what items of plants are to be depreciated and distributed is decided by whom?
A:-The Executive
B:-The Audit
C:-The Legislature
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question70:-The issue rate of an article of stock fixed at the beginning of each year normally remains constant throughout the year but in certain
situations the issues rates can be revised earlier. Which of the following is one such situation?
A:-During the period of natural calamities
B:-When there is material fluctuation in the purchase rates during the course of the year
C:-When the contractor requests in writing to revise the rate of the article
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question71:-Which among the following is NOT true in relation to the audit of the accounts of corporations, companies and other autonomous
bodies by CAG of India?
A:-No law of a State Legislature can cast any duties or confer any powers on the comptroller and Auditor General or his representatives
B:-The duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor General prescribed by law made by parliament cannot be superseded or abridged by
or under any law made by any State Legislature
C:-The state Government can give directions to CAG in regard to audit of the accounts of corporations, companies and other autonomous
bodies coming under its jurisdiction
D:-All the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question72:-In respect of a State Government Company, copy of the Auditor’s Report and any comments thereon or supplement thereto made by
the Comptroller and Auditor General are places before which of the following?
A:-Reserve bank of India
B:-Board of Directors of the Company
C:-Comptroller and Auditor general of India D:-The legislature
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question73:-Who appoints the chairman of the public accounts committee?
A:-The Speaker
B:-The President
C:-The Prime Minister
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question74:-Who is the head of Union Council of Ministers?
B:-Prime Minister
C:-Home Minister
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question75:-Public Accounts Committee of Parliament consists of how many members?
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question76:-How many ministers will be there in there in the Committee on Public Undertakings in Parliament?
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question77:-Who prepares the Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts?
A:-Ministry of Finance
B:-The Comptroller and Auditor General
C:-Department of Finance of the respective State
D:-Accountant General of the State
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question78:-Estimate Committee of Parliament consists of how many members?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question79:-The State Audit Reports are countersigned by whom?
A:-The Accountant General of the State
B:-Finance Minister of the State
C:-Governor of the State
D:-Comptroller and Auditor General
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question80:-Which among the following is out of scope of the functions of the Public Accounts Committee of State Legislature?
A:-Examination of the accounts showing the appropriation of sums granted by the legislature for the expenditure of the Government, the
annual finance accounts of the Government and such other accounts laid before the Legislature as the Committee may think fit
B:-Looking into cases of loss, inefficiency, ineffectiveness or extravagance and calls upon the Government to explain what action, disciplinary
or otherwise, it has taken to prevent recurrence
C:-Examination with reference to the facts of each case the circumstances leading to excess in expenditure of the money granted by the
Legislature and makes such recommendation as it may deem fit D:-Examination of Audit Reports relating to such public undertaking as is allotted to the committee on public undertakings
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question81:-How many Major Heads are there under Part II-Contingency fund?
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question82:-What does the term ‘bin card’ mean in regard to store/stock documents in PWD?
A:-A value-cum-numerical account of the stores held
B:-A chronological record by quantity only of the receipts, issues and the remaining balances of each article of stock
C:-A document for recording quantity details of the indents for materials received from various officers
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question83:-Which of the following record is generally NOT maintained in a PWD sub division office?
A:-Cash book
B:-Muster roll
C:-Works abstract
D:-Contractor’s ledger
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question84:-Who are the members of State Public Accounts Committee?
A:-Members of the State Legislature
B:-Members of State legislature and three other eminent personalities
C:-Secretaries of each Department and Chief Secretary
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question85:-The distribution of the Legislative Powers between the Union and the States is governed by which Article of the Constitution?
A:-Article 279
B:-Article 269
C:-Article 246
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question86:-Standing Committee members in parliament are generally elected or nominated _________?
A:-Once in 5 years
B:-Once in two years
D:-Six months
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question87:-Which among the following is NOT a function entrusted to the treasury?
A:-Receipt of money from the public and departmental officers for credit to Government
B:-Payment of claims against Government on bills or cheques or other instruments presented by the departmental drawing and disbursing
officers or pensioners or others authorized to do so.
C:-Keeping initial and subsidiary accounts of the receipts and payments occurring at them and rendering statements of such transactions to
the Accountants General for detailed compilation and consolidation
D:-Verification of Service details of Government servants who are due to retire in the next five years
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question88:-Under which section of the comptroller and Auditor General’s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service)Act, 1971, the CAG is
responsible for audit of all transactions of the Union and of the States relating to Contingency Funds and Public Accounts
A:-Section 10
C:-Section 13(b) D:-Section 19
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-Which among the following statement is NOT true relating to Capital expenditure in Government accounts?
A:-Expenditure incurred with the object either of increasing concrete assets of a material and permanent character or of reducing recurring
liabilities can be classified as an expenditure of Capital nature
B:-Expenditure on Grants-in-aid to local bodies or institutions (for purpose of creating assets which will belong to these local bodies or institutions) can ordinarily be classified as capital expenditure
C:-Capital expenditure is generally met from receipts of a capital, debt, deposit or banking character
D:-It is open to the Government to meet capital expenditure from ordinary revenues provided there are sufficient revenue resources to cover
this liability
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question90:-Which among the following is NOT direct tax revenue?
A:-Income Tax
B:-Wealth Tax
C:-Estate Duty
D:-Customs Duty
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question91:-The powers and duties of the comptroller and Auditor General of India for audit of the autonomous bodies, are derived from which
Article of the Constitution of India?
A:-Article 148
B:-Article 149
C:-Article 150
D:-Article 151
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question92:-What is the Audit Reports prepared on the accounts of Government corporations and other autonomous bodies audited by the
comptroller and Auditor General, where the certification of the accounts in necessary called?
A:-Special Audit Reports
B:-Separate Audit Reports
C:-Commercial Audit Reports
D:-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question93:-Which among the following is an indirect Tax?
A:-Agricultural Income Tax
B:-Taxes on profession
C:-Wealth Tax
D:-Stamp Duty
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question94:-Which among the following is NOT an essential condition that governs for incurring expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India or Consolidated Fund of Union Territory with Legislature or the Consolidated Fund of a State?
A:-There should exist sanction,either special or general, accorded by a competent authority, authorizing the expenditure
B:-There should be provision of funds authorized by competent authority fixing the limits within which the expenditure can be incurred
C:-The expenditure should not be more than the revenue resources
D:-The expenditure should be incurred with due regard to broad and general principles of financial propriety
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question95:-Under which section of CAG’s DPC Act 1971, the President or the Governor or the Administrator, as the case may be, after prior
consultation with the comptroller and Auditor General of India may entrust the Audit of bodies or authorities which is not entrusted to by or under
any law made by Parliament can be entrusted to him in public interest?
A:-Section 15
B:-Section 19
C:-Section 21
D:-Section 20
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question96:-Which among the following is NOT a function of Estimate Committee to Parliament?
A:-To suggest alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency and economy in administration B:-Verify and/or comment on policies approved by Parliament
C:-To examine whether the money included is well laid out within the limit of the policy implied in the estimates
D:-To suggest the form in which the estimated shall be presented to Parliament
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question97:-Special Ways and means advances availed from Reserve bank of India are generally repayable within what period?
A:-Not exceeding three months
B:-Not exceeding one month
C:-Not exceeding six months
D:-Not exceeding a year
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question98:-Which among the following is considered as the fundamental object of audit?
A:-Verifying that the prescribed rules and orders are obeyed
B:-To prescribe financial rules and orders
C:-To ensure that all revenue has been collected and accounted
D:-To secure real value for the tax payer’s money
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question99:-For being laid before the State Legislature the CAG submit the State Audit Reports to whom?
A:-The Governor of the State
B:-The speaker of the State Legislature
C:-The chairman, Public Accounts Committee
D:-The Finance Minister of the State
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question100:-How many members in the Committee on Public Undertakings of Parliament are from Lok Sabha?
Correct Answer:- Option-B
NASA’s Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet nucleus?
Question4:- NASA’s Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet nucleus? [2007]
(a) Halley’s Comet
(b) Hale-Bopp
(c) Hyakutake
(d) Tempel 1
Answer: – (d) Deep Impact was a NASA space probe launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on January 12, 2005. It was designed to study the interior composition of the comet Tempel 1.
More Details about:-
What comet was the Deep Impact Mission?
Famous for its July 4, 2005 planned impact with comet Tempel 1 that generated a brilliant flash of light later discovered to be ice and dust debris ejecting from the fresh impact crater, the Deep Impact mission was the first attempt to peer beneath the surface of a comet.
Which is the first space probe that impacted on a comet?
Deep Impact was a NASA space probe launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on January 12, 2005. It was designed to study the interior composition of the comet Tempel 1 (9P/Tempel), by releasing an impactor into the comet. At 05:52 UTC on July 4, 2005, the Impactor successfully collided with the comet’s nucleus.
धूमकेतु पर प्रभाव डालने वाली पहली अंतरिक्ष जांच कौन सी है?
डीप इम्पैक्ट 12 जनवरी, 2005 को केप कैनावेरल एयर फ़ोर्स स्टेशन से लॉन्च किया गया नासा का एक अंतरिक्ष यान था। इसे धूमकेतु टेम्पल 1 (9P/Tempel) की आंतरिक संरचना का अध्ययन करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था, जिसमें धूमकेतु में एक प्रभावक छोड़ा गया था। 4 जुलाई 2005 को 05:52 UTC पर, इम्पैक्टर धूमकेतु के नाभिक से सफलतापूर्वक टकराया।
Who discovers the comet in Deep Impact?
President Beck takes the podium to make the announcement of the comet. The comet was discovered one year ago by two astronomers, Marcus Wolf and Leo Beiderman.
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India launche its first full-fledged meteorological satellite (METSAT) in September, 2002
Question2:- 3. Consider the following statements: [2003]
India launche its first full-fledged meteorological satellite (METSAT) in September, 2002
For the first time, the space vehicle PSLV C-4 carried a payload of more than 1000 kg into a geosynchronous orbit.
Which of these statement is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: – (c) (c) METSAT was the first Indian (ISRO), Meterological geostationary satellite designed to simultaneously obtain atmospheric cloud cover, water vapour and temperature data. PSLV–C4 carried a payload of 1060 kg in to a geosynchronous orbit.
More Details about:-
Which is METSAT the first exclusive meteorological satellite built by ISRO?
KALPANA-1. METSAT (renamed as Kalpana – 1 on February 5, 2003 after the Indian born American Astronaut Dr. Kalpana Chawla, who died on February 1, 2003 in the US Space Shuttle Columbia disaster) is the first in the series of exclusive meteorological satellites built by ISRO.
What is the use of METSAT?
For meteorological observation, METSAT carries a Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) capable of imaging the Earth in the visible, thermal infrared and water vapour bands. It also carries a Data Relay Transponder (DRT) for collecting data from unattended meteorological platforms.
What is the function of Meteosat data?
Meteosat satellites have been providing crucial data for weather forecasting since 1977. EUMETSAT currently operates Meteosat-9, -10 and -11 in geostationary orbit (36,000km) over Europe and Africa, and the Indian Ocean.
100 most important Biology Questions-Answers of previous year paper
100 Biology Questions-Answers कैं सर रोगोों का अध्ययन क्या कहलाता है? ऑरगेनोलॉजी शरीर में सबसे लम्बी कोशशका? तोंशिका कोशशका दााँत मुख्य शकस पदार्थ के बने होते हैं? डेंटाइन के शकस जोंतु की आकृ शत चप्पल के समान है? पैरामीशशयम केंचुए की आाँखें होती हैं? एक भी नहीों गाजर...
Account and Audit Questions and Answers Sample Question with answers for Preparation
Applicants can download Account and Audit Questions and Answers Sample Question with answers in our website for free. Questions and Answers on Account and Audit for Preparation 1. The combined Finance and Revenue Accounts of the Union and State Governments are...
Introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf 2
Discussions about introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf Introduction To Indian Government Accounts And Audit Questions And Answers Pdf – As per our readers’ demand and comments, we are publishing this article....
Discussions about introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf
Discussions about introduction to Indian government accounts and audit objective type questions and answers pdf Introduction To Indian Government Accounts And Audit Questions And Answers Pdf – As per our readers’ demand and comments, we are publishing this article....
NASA’s Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet nucleus?
Question4:- NASA’s Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet nucleus? [2007] (a) Halley’s Comet (b) Hale-Bopp (c) Hyakutake (d) Tempel 1 Answer: - (d) Deep Impact was a NASA space probe launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force...
India launche its first full-fledged meteorological satellite (METSAT) in September, 2002
Question2:- 3. Consider the following statements: [2003] India launche its first full-fledged meteorological satellite (METSAT) in September, 2002 For the first time, the space vehicle PSLV C-4 carried a payload of more than 1000 kg into a geosynchronous orbit. Which...
Artificial satellites are always launched from the earth in the eastward direction
Question2:- Assertion (A) : Artificial satellites are always launched from the earth in the eastward direction. Reason (R) : The earth rotates from west to east and so the satellite attains the escape velocity. [2002] (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct...
With reference to Indian satellites and their launchers, consider the following statements:
Question1:-. With reference to Indian satellites and their launchers, consider the following statements: [2002] 1. All the INSAT series of satellites and their launched abroad 2. PSL Vs were used to launch IRS-series of satellites 3. India used the indigenously built...
What do you understand by Spreadsheet Application
What do you understand by Spreadsheet Application? Spreadsheet application is a spreadsheet file that is designed so that someone other than the developer can perform specific tasks without extensive training. According to this definition, most of the spreadsheet...
How to post a video on Youtube channel
To post a video on YouTube, follow these steps: Create a YouTube Account: If you don't have a YouTube account, visit the YouTube website (www.youtube.com) and click on the "Sign In" button located at the top right corner. Then select "Create account" and follow the...
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There are several AI-powered image editing websites that utilize machine learning algorithms to enhance and edit images. Here are a few popular ones: Adobe Photoshop Express Editor: Adobe Photoshop Express Editor is a web-based image editing tool that provides a range...
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As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can suggest some popular platforms where you can experience GPT chat: OpenAI Playground: The OpenAI Playground provides a web-based interface where you can interact with GPT-based...
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right to abortion act
गर्भपात का अधिकार right to abortion act नीतियों के निर्माण और कार्यान्वयन से उत्पन्न मुद्देमहिलाओं से संबंधित मुद्देमौलिक अधिकारभारत में गर्भपात वास्तविक अर्थों में कानूनी अधिकार नहीं है। कोई महिला डॉक्टर के पास जाकर यह नहीं कह सकती कि वह गर्भपात करवाना चाहती है।...
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971
गर्भ का चिकित्सकीय समापन अधिनियम, 1971 गर्भ का चिकित्सकीय समापन अधिनियम, 1971 (Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971) भारत सरकार का एक अधिनियम है जो कुछ विशेष परिस्थितियों में अनचाहे गर्भ से छुटकारा पाने की अनुमति देता है।[1] यह अधिनियम सन् 1971 में बनाया गया था...
Penalties payable under various sections of the Indian Penal Code
Penalties payable under various sections of the Indian Penal Code भारतीय दण्ड संहिता की विभिन्न धाराओं में देय दण्ड धाराओं के नाम अपराध दण्ड (सजा) 13 जुआ खेलना/सट्टा लगाना 1 वर्ष की सजा और 1000 रूपये जुर्माना 34 सामान आशय – 99 से 106...
IPC-Indian Penal Code भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 18 to 23 – Section 463 to 511
IPC-Indian Penal Code भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 18 to 23 – Section 463 to 511 Chapter 18 - Offenses relating to documents and property marks section 463 forgery Section 464 forging a false document Section 465 Punishment for forgery. Section 466 Forgery of record...
IPC-Indian Penal Code भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 17 – Section 378 to 462
IPC-Indian Penal Code भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 17 – Section 378 to 462 Chapter 17 - Offenses Against Property section 378 theft Section 379 Punishment for theft Section 380 Theft in residence etc. Section 381 Theft of property in master's possession by clerk or...
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 16 – Section 299 to 377
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 16 – Section 299 to 377 Chapter 16 - Offenses affecting the human body Section 299 culpable homicide section 300 murder Section 301 Culpable homicide by causing the death of a person other than the person whose...
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 13, 14 and 15 – Section 264 to 298
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 13, 14 and 15 – Section 264 to 298 Chapter 13 - Offenses relating to Weights and Measures Section 264 Fraudulent use of false weighing instruments Section 265 Fraudulent use of false weight or measure Section 266...
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 12 – Section 230 to 263A
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 12 – Section 230 to 263A Chapter 12 - Offenses relating to Coins and Government Stamps Section 230 definition of coin Section 231 Counterfeiting coin Section 232 Counterfeiting Indian coin Section 233 Making or...
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 11 – Section 111 to 129
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 11 – Section 111 to 129 Chapter 11 - False Evidence and Offenses against Public Justice Section 191 Giving false evidence. Section 192 Fabricating false evidence. Section 193 Punishment for false evidence Section...
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 9 9A and 10 – Section 161 to 190
IPC-Indian Penal Code IPC -भारतीय दण्ड संहिता- Chapter 9 9A and 10 – Section 161 to 190 Chapter 9 - Offenses by or in relation to public servants Sections 161 to 164 relating to offenses by or in relation to public servants Section 166 Disobedience of law by public...