What is UNISIST aims, Objective organization structure and activities of UNISIST The word UNISIST was never meant to be an acronym but rather to connote phonetically the part that U. N. Agencies particularly UNESCO should play in the promotion of an international...
What is UNISIST aims, Objective organization structure and activities of UNISIST
What is UNISIST aims, Objective organization structure and activities of UNISIST
The word UNISIST was never meant to be an acronym but rather to connote phonetically the part that U. N. Agencies particularly UNESCO should play in the promotion of an international system for information covering science and technology. UNISIST stood for the study of the conference and for the programmers launched thereafter. So UNISIST is an international project sponsor by UNESCO.
The two organizations UNESCO and ICSU jointly formed a UNESCO / ICSU central committee in January 1967 to carry out a feasibility study for a world science information system. The feasibility study continued for about 4 years and in 1970 the report entitled UNISIST study report on feasibility of a world science information system by UNESCO and ICSU was published and widely distributed. The feasibility report was prepared by Jean Claude Gardin. This report and a synoptic version became the working document of the UNISIST inter-governmental conference held in Paris in October 1971.
A second conference, the inter-governmental conference on scientific and technical information for development was held in Paris in 1979 to review development since UNISIST conference of 1971. This was known as UNISIST –II.
Aims and Objectives of UINSIST:
The ultimate goal or keynote of UNISIST is the establishment of a flexible and loosely connected network of information services based on voluntary cooperation. UNISIST aim to coordinate existing trends toward cooperation and to act as a catalyst for the necessary development in scientific and technical information and to develop the necessary condition for system interconnections and to facilitate access to world information resources.
The UNISIST study report made twenty two recommendations which are focused on five main objectives of the UNISIST programme. The may be summarized as follows:
- Improvement of tools of system interconnection (recommendation 1-6)
- Strengthening the role of institutional components of the information transfer chain (recommendation 7-10)
- Development of specialized manpower (recommendation 11-14).
- Development of scientific information policies and structure (recommendation 15-19)
- Assistance in developing countries in the development of scientific and technical information infrastructure (recommendation 20-21)
Organization of UINSIST:
In the last i.e 22 no of recommendation of the feasibility report recommended three interrelated managerial body for the organization of UNISIST.
- An intergovernmental conference responsible for approving UNISIST’s programme and reporting on their progress.
- An international scientific advisory committee.
- An executive office serving as permanent secretariat of UNISIST.
Activities of UINSIST:
Under the UNISIST programme, standards rules, principles and techniques for the processing and transfer of information are adopted and applied internationally.
- Standardization of Bibliographic Description: The UNISIST/ICSU AB working group has prepared a draft manual (Reference manual for machine readable bibliographic description).
- Control of Serials and Abstracting / Indexing Periodicals: To have a complete control over the periodical publications a computer based system of data bank has been established under the name of International Serial Data System (ISDS).
- Broad System of Ordering (BSO): In view of the great diversity of classification schemes that are the existence the B.S.O has been conceived as a switching mechanism to link different individual classification and thesauri in the process of information transfer.
- Handbook and Manual: A comprehensive handbook for scientific information and documentation services in developing countries has been planned. The handbook has been published in 1977.
- National Focal Point: Emphasis has been given to the creation of a focal point to scientific information agencies in each country.
Publications of UINSIST:
UNISIST published their newsletter quarterly.
India at UNISIST:
The NISSAT advisory committee functions as the national committee of UNISIST in India.
Some important question related to UNISIST:-
What does UNISIST stand for?
UNISIST : an acronymic term which stands for the feasibility study and for the recommended future programme to implement its recom- mendations.
Who founded UNISIST?
The UNISIST model of information dissemination was proposed in 1971 by the United Nations. UNISIST (United Nations International Scientific Information System) is a model of the social system of communication, which consists of knowledge producers, intermediaries, and users.
In which year was the UNISIST program started by Unesco?
In 1967 UNESCO joined forces with the International Council of Scientific Unions to carry out a feasibility study on the establishment of a world science information system, UNISIST.
Where is the headquarter of UNISIST?
Documentation research and training centre , Bangalore , India
Who was awarded first PhD in library science from an Indian university?
1948 by University of Delhi. The first PhD in Library (and Information) Science was awarded by the same university in 1957 to DB Krishna Rao for his thesis ‘Facet Analysis and Depch Classification of Agricuture. ‘ Dr SR Ranganathan was his guide.
Who serves as a focal point in India for UNISIST?
While the Indian National Commission for UNESCO is the official channel; the NISSAT in the Department of Scientific and industrial Research is the focal point for UNISIST/PGI and is the Coordinating Centre for the ASTINFO programme
American Library Association (ALA) Organization
American Library Association (ALA)
The American Library Association (ALA) is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that promotes libraries and library education internationally. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with 49,727 members as of 2021. During the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, 103 librarians, 90 men and 13 women, responded to a call for a “Convention of Librarians” to be held October 4–6 at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. At the end of the meeting, according to Ed Holley in his essay “ALA at 100”, “the register was passed around for all to sign who wished to become charter members,” making October 6, 1876, the date of the ALA’s founding. Among the 103 librarians in attendance were Justin Winsor (Boston Public, Harvard), William Frederick Poole (Chicago Public, Newberry), Charles Ammi Cutter (Boston Athenaeum), Melvil Dewey, and Richard Rogers Bowker. Attendees came from as far west as Chicago and from England. The ALA was charteredin 1879 in Massachusetts. Its head office is now in Chicago.
Justin Winsor was the first president of the ALA, from 1876 through 1885. In 1911, Theresa Elmendorf became the first female president of the ALA. An analysis of the writings of the first fifteen women presidents gives more insight into the expanded role of women in the Association.
Library activists in the 1930s pressured the American Library Association to be more responsive to issues put forth by young members involved with issues such as peace, segregation, library unions and intellectual freedom. In 1931, the Junior Members Round Table (JMRT) was formed to provide a voice for the younger members of the ALA, but much of what they had to say resurfaced in the social responsibility movement to come years later. During this period, the first Library Bill of Rights (LBR) was drafted by Forrest Spaulding to set a standard against censorship and was adopted by the ALA in 1939. This has been recognized as the moment defining modern librarianship as a profession committed to intellectual freedom and the right to read over government dictates. The ALA formed the Staff Organization’s Round Table in 1936 and the Library Unions Round Table in 1940.
The ALA appointed a committee to study censorship and recommend policy after the banning of The Grapes of Wrath and the implementation of the LBR. The committee reported in 1940 that intellectual freedom and professionalism were linked and recommended a permanent committee – Committee on Intellectual Freedom. The ALA made revisions to strengthen the LBR in June 1948, approved the Statement on Labeling in 1951 to discourage labeling material as subversive, and adopted the Freedom to Read Statement and the Overseas Library Statement in 1953.
The ALA has worked throughout its history to define, extend, protect and advocate for equity of access to information. In 1961, the ALA took a stand regarding service to African Americans and others, advocating for equal library service for all. An amendment to the LBR was passed in 1961 that made clear that an individual’s library use should not be denied or abridged because of race, religion, national origin, or political views. Some communities decided to close their doors rather than desegregate. In 1963, the ALA commissioned a study, Access to Public Libraries, which found direct and indirect discrimination in American libraries.
- In 1967, some librarians protested against a pro-Vietnam War speech given by General Maxwell D. Taylor at the annual ALA conference in San Francisco; the former president of Sarah Lawrence College, Harold Taylor, spoke to the Middle-Atlantic Regional Library Conference about socially responsible professionalism; and less than one year later a group of librarians proposed that the ALA schedule a new round table program discussion on the social responsibilities of librarians at its next annual conference in Kansas City. This group called themselves the Organizing Committee for the ALA Round Table on Social Responsibilities of Libraries. This group drew in many other under-represented groups in the ALA who lacked power, including the Congress for Change in 1969. This formation of the committee was approved in 1969 and would change its name to the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) in 1971. After its inception, the Round Table of Social Responsibilities began to press ALA leadership to address issues such as library unions, working conditions, wages, and intellectual freedom. The Freedom to Read Foundation was created by ALA’s executive board in 1969. The Black Caucus of the ALA and the Office for Literacy and Outreach were set up in 1970.
- At a national convention of the ALA in Dallas in 1971, Barbara Gittings staffed a kissing booth underneath the banner “Hug a Homosexual”, with a “women only” side and a “men only” side. When no one took advantage of it, she and Alma Routsong kissed in front of rolling television cameras. In describing its success, despite most of the reaction being negative, Gittings said, “We needed to get an audience. So we decided, let’s show gay love live. We were offering free—mind you, free—same-sex kisses and hugs. Let me tell you, the aisles were mobbed, but no one came into the booth to get a free hug. So we hugged and kissed each other. It was shown twice on the evening news, once again in the morning. It put us on the map.”
- Clara Stanton Jones was the first African-American president of the ALA, serving as its acting president from April 11 to July 22 in 1976 and then its president from July 22, 1976 to 1977.
- In June 1990, the ALA approved “Policy on Library Services to the Poor” and in 1996 the Task Force on Hunger, Homelessness, and Poverty was formed to resurrect and promote the ALA guidelines on library services to the poor.
- In 2007, Loriene Roy became the first Native American President of the ALA.
- In 2009, Camila Alire became the first Hispanic president of the ALA.
- In 2014, Courtney Young, then the president of the association, commented on the background and implications of a racist joke author Daniel Handler made as African American writer Jacqueline Woodson received a National Book Award for Brown Girl Dreaming. “His comments were inappropriate and fell far short of the association’s commitment to diversity,” said Young. “Handler’s remarks come at a time when the publishing world has little diversity. Works from authors and illustrators of color make up less than 8 percent of children’s titles produced in 2013. The ALA hopes this regrettable incident will be used to open a dialogue on the need for diversity in the publishing industry, particularly in regards to books for young people.”
- In 2021, Patty Wong became the first Asian-American president of the ALA.
The ALA Archives, including historical documents, non-current records, and digital records, are held at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign archives
Activities of ALA
- American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
- Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS)
- Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)
- Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
- Library Information Technology Association (LITA)
- Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)
- Public Library Association (PLA)
- Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)
- United for Libraries (United)
- Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
Notable offices
- Office of Intellectual Freedom (OIF)
- Office for Accreditation (OA)
- Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services
- Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP)
- ALA Editions (book publishing)
Notable members of ALA
- Virginia Cleaver Bacon, member
- Inez Mabel Crawford, member
- Essae Martha Culver, first State Librarian of Louisiana
- Winnifred Feighner, Assistant librarian at University of Montana
- Helen E. Haines, member of the Council of American Library Association and editor of its proceedings for ten years
- Wilhelmina Harper, Supervisor of children’s work for the Kern County Free Library, since 1921
- Abigail Scofield Kellogg, San Luis Obispo City Librarian
- Jacqueline Noel, vice-president of the Pacific Northwest Library Association and a member of the American Library Association
- Edith Allen Phelps, twice president of the Oklahoma Library Association, the first professional in the Library Science field in the Oklahoma City system
- Ida M. Reagan, first vice-president of the California Librarians Association
- Ruth Rockwood, charter member of the Subscription Books Committee, a group to provide evaluations and advice on encyclopedias, subscription sets, and allied compends, newly founded by the ALA
- Faith Edith Smith, on the Education Committee of the American Library Association and was a member of the California Library Association
- Carla Hayden, the 14th Librarian of Congress. Appointed in September 2016, Hayden is the first woman and the first African American to hold the post. She is the first professional librarian appointed to the post in over 60 years.
- Patty Wong, President 2021-2022
- Lessa Kananiʻopua Pelayo-Lozada, President 2022-2023
- Lindsay Cronk, first President of Core and co-author of ALA’s Resolution to Condemn White Supremacy and Fascism as Antithetical to Library Work.
- Emily Drabinski, ALA President 2023–2024.
Round Tables of ALA
- Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT)
- Exhibits Round Table (ERT)
- Film and Media Round (FMRT)
- Games and Gaming (GAMERT)
- Government Documents (GODORT)
- Graphic Novel and Comics Round Table (GNCRT)
- Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT)
- International Relations (IRRT)
- Learning RT (LearnRT)
- Library History (LHRT)
- Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)
- Library Research (LRRT)
- Library Support Staff Interests Round Table (LSSIRT)
- Map and Geospatial Information (MAGIRT)
- New Members Round Table (NMRT)
- Rainbow Round Table (RRT)
- Retired Members Round Table (RMRT)
- Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT)
- Staff Organization (SORT)
- Sustainability (SustainRT)
- Round Table Coordinating Assembly (RTCA)
Affiliates of ALA
- American Association of Law Libraries
- American Indian Library Association
- Association for Information Science and Technology
- American Theological Library Association
- Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)
- Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association
- Association for Library and Information Science Education
- Association for Rural and Small Libraries
- Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services
- Association of Jewish Libraries
- Association of Research Libraries
- Beta Phi Mu
- The Black Caucus of the American Library Association was formed in 1970. “The Black Caucus of the American Library Association serves as an advocate for the development, promotion, and improvement of library services and resources to the nation’s African American community; and provides leadership for the recruitment and professional development of African American librarians.”[53] The current president of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association is Richard E. Ashby, Jr.
- Catholic Library Association
- Chinese American Librarians Association
- The Joint Council of Librarians of Color
- Latino Literacy Now
- Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa
- Medical Library Association
- Music Library Association
- National Storytelling Network
- Online Audiovisual Catalogers
- Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association
- Polish American Librarians Association
- ProLiteracy Worldwide
- REFORMA is the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-speaking.
- Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials
- Theatre Library Association
What is UNISIST aims, Objective organization structure and activities of UNISIST
American Library Association (ALA) Organization
American Library Association (ALA) The American Library Association (ALA) is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that promotes libraries and library education internationally. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with 49,727...
American Association of School Librarians AASL mission and Strategic Plan
American Association of School Librarians AASL The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is the only national professional membership organization focused on school librarians and the school library community. AASL has more than 7,000 members and serves...
American Association of School Librarians AASL mission and Strategic Plan
American Association of School Librarians AASL
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is the only national professional membership organization focused on school librarians and the school library community. AASL has more than 7,000 members and serves school librarians in the United States, Canada, and around the world.
The AASL Chapters is appointed delegates from state level school librarian organizations, which ensures the AASL Board of Directors is aware of matters of consequence to the school librarian field. AASL also maintains three member sections and two special interest groups that represent a special field of activity within the school library profession.
AASL became a division of ALA on January 1, 1951. Prior to independent division status, AASL was a section of American Library Association. Having supported the profession for 65 years, AASL understands the current realities and evolving dynamics of the professional environment and is positioned to help members achieve universal recognition of school librarians as indispensable educational leaders.
The American Association of School Librarians empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
Strategic Plan
AASL is a national organization proactive to issues, anticipatory of trends, and defining the future agenda for the profession through its strategic plan. The current strategic plan, approved by the AASL Board of Directors at the 2019 ALA Annual Conference, examines three critical issues: association relevance, membership development, and association governance and leadership.
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is a division of the American Library Association (ALA) that has more than 7,000 members and serves primary school and secondary school librarians in the U.S., Canada, and even internationally. Prior to being established in 1951, school librarians were served by the School Library Section of ALA founded in 1914, which emerged from the Roundtable of Normal and High School Librarians. The mission of the American Association of School Librarians is to empower leaders to transform teaching and learning.
The origin of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is usually traced to the December 1914 American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Conference when the ALA Council approved a petition from the ALA Roundtable of Normal and High School Librarians to form a School Libraries Section or to the June 1915 ALA Annual Conference when the section held its first meeting and elected as its first president the outstanding leader in the high school library movement, Mary E. Hall, librarian of Girls’ High School, Brooklyn.1 Within ALA, it would be more accurate to trace the origins of AASL, directly, to the Roundtable of Normal and High School Librarians, which first met informally at the January 1913 ALA Midwinter Conference, and, indirectly, to the Committee on Cooperation with the National Education Association (NEA), appointed in 1896, which under its later name, the School Libraries Committee, merged with the School Libraries Section in December 1935. It is important to note, too, that groups promoting school library interests existed in two other professional associations during the first quarter of the twentieth century: the Library Department (1896-1924) of the National Education Association and the Library Section (1913-1919) of the National Council of Teachers of English.
While it is not possible in this brief overview of the history of AASL to trace the interrelationships of the various school library interest groups in the origin and development of AASL,2 it is important to note that the ALA-affiliated organization for school librarians eventually became the only national professional association for school librarians. In its 1914 report, the committee of three ALA councilors (none of them school librarians) appointed to consider the petition for a School Libraries Section supported the petition on two grounds: first, there was “likely to be in the near future a rapid and extensive development of activity in this field of library work, and the existence of a section…especially devoted to its study and discussion should be of material aid to those professionally concerned with it,” and second, “the work and problems of school librarians are sufficiently different from those of other library workers to justify their special organization as a section.”3 It was not until 1951, however, when AASL achieved division rather than section status within ALA, that AASL had sufficient autonomy within the ALA organizational structure to direct its own programs and thus become able to implement the promise envisioned in the 1914 ALA Council report.
This article traces only changes in the structure of AASL within the larger structure of ALA to 1951. This, in itself, is no easy task, for the structure of AASL has not heretofore been systematically outlined and the structure of ALA has been Byzantine in its complexity long before 1951. To aid the reader, three charts tracing school library interests within the structure of ALA are included: Figure 1, School Library Interests within ALA Committees and Boards; Figure 2, School Library Interests within ALA Membership Divisions and Sections; and Figure 3, School Library Interests within ALA Headquarters Divisions and Offices. The last chart, while not related directly to the development of AASL as a membership organization within ALA, is important in tracing the evolution of the AASL executive secretariat, a major goal of AASL in moving toward division status in the 1940s.
During the early years of its existence in ALA, the School Libraries Section was loosely structured–it did not have a constitution and bylaws until 1922–and quite ineffective in promoting school library interests. Far more organized and far more effective in promoting school library development to 1920 were the NEA Library Department and a joint committee of the NEA Department of Secondary Education and the North Central Association, chaired by C. C. Certain, which produced the famous Certain standards for secondary school libraries. Even after a major internal reorganization of NEA in 1924, one not unlike the recent reorganization of NEA interest groups which changed the status of AASL in NEA, made it impossible for the Library Department to continue as a school library interest group in NEA, the ALA School Libraries Section did not become the major organization promoting school library interests in ALA. ALA had undergone a reorganization in 1920, one which strengthened the power of the burgeoning ALA headquarters secretariat and the appointed boards and committees of ALA. The membership-based sections of ALA remained much the same as they were before the reorganization, i.e., groups which met at the Annual Conference, presented a program, appointed some committees, and, although able to collect dues for membership, received no direct support for section activities from ALA funds.
Due in part to its status as an ALA committee and to the vision of its chair, Harriet Wood, the ALA Education Committee, formerly the ALA Committee on Cooperation with NEA (and, beginning in 1931, the School Libraries Committee), became the most influential group within ALA in promoting school library interests. Between 1927 and 1932, this committee prepared five School Library Yearbooks which, even today, stand as a remarkable record of the development of school libraries for the period.
In the late 1920s and early 1930s, two ALA activities committees were appointed to make recommendations for reorganization of the structure of ALA. As the result of the work of these activities committees, many ALA committees became boards, some of which, like the Board on Library Service to Children and Young People, were in part advisory to ALA headquarters units and membership sections, but also had considerable power of their own. Dissatisfaction with the lack of autonomy of ALA sections led, by the end of the 19303, however, to the formation of a Third Activities committee (1938-1939).
The Third Activities Committee, unlike earlier such committees, proposed a major reorganization of ALA, one which gave considerably more autonomy, power, and financial support to membership units of ALA than had previously been the case. Not all of the recommendations of the Third Activities Committee were implemented, but the recommendation that former sections become divisions was. By 1941, most sections had become divisions or parts of divisions; the latter was the case for the School Libraries Section. The section had requested consideration for separate division status in ALA, but such was not to be. Instead, the School Libraries Section became one of two, and later one of three, sections in the new membership Division of Libraries for Children and Young People (DLCYP).
As a section within DLCYP, the American Association of School Librarians, the name used beginning in 1944, had representatives on the division board of directors and in rotated offices of the division. AASL also retained its own structure with its own board, for a board of directors had been part of the section’s structure since its first constitution and bylaws in 1922. The double organizational structure, AASL and DLCYP, was unwieldy and did not afford the opportunity for AASL to carry out important programs of its own, even after its membership had become almost a third of total ALA membership by the end of the 1940s. Within ALA, pressure was once again mounting for reorganization, and a Fourth Activities Committee was formed (1947-1948). Ruth Ersted, 1947-1948 AASL president and former president of DLCYP, served on the Fourth Activities Committee, and together with Frances Henne, AASL president-elect, and Margaret Walraven, editor of the DLCYP periodical, Top of the News, and AASL president, 1949-1951, became instrumental in seeking separate division status for AASL, one of the alternatives included in the Fourth Activities Committee report. AASL membership approved separate division status in 1950, and AASL began its new existence as an ALA division in 1951. In its development between 1914 and 1951, AASL had reached three benchmarks in the development of a professional association:
- Forming an association which united members of the same occupation and/or those who wished to promote goals of an occupational group
- Preparing a statement of goals and objectives, most often incorporated in the association’s constitution
- Structuring an organization which provided continuity of leadership, mechanisms for goal achievement, and representation of the interests of members
With the achievement of division status, the association was able to reach four other benchmarks which mark the “coming-of-age” of a professional association:
- Achieving some degree of fiscal and functional autonomy for activities related to the concerns of the association
- Appointing a full-time executive secretary
- Publishing a journal related to the concerns of the association
- Setting standards for the profession and for the quality of services provided to the profession’s clients