CTET July 2023 Exam Date Out: बड़ा अपडेट! ऑफलाइन मोड में होगा सीटेट, एग्जाम डेट का नोटिस जारी Central Teacher Eligibility Test

CTET July 2023 Exam Date Out: बड़ा अपडेट! ऑफलाइन मोड में होगा सीटेट, एग्जाम डेट का नोटिस जारी Central Teacher Eligibility Test

The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct 17th edition of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in CBT (Computer Based Test – Online) mode between July, 2023 to August, 2023. The exact date of examination will be mentioned on the admit cards of the candidates. The detailed Information Bulletin containing details of examination, syllabus, languages, eligibility criteria, examination fee, examination cities and important dates will be available on CTET official website: https://ctet.nic.in. soon and the aspiring candidates are requested to download the Information Bulletin from the above mentioned website only and read the same carefully before applying. The aspiring candidates have to apply online only through CTET website i.e.https://ctet.nic.in.

  • The online application-process will be start from 27-04-2023 (Thursday) onwards

  • Last date for submitting online application is 26-05-2023 (Friday) upto 11:59 hrs.

  • The fee can be paid upto 26-05-2023 (Friday) before 11:59 hrs.

The application fee applicable for CTET July-2023 is as under:  Category Only Paper I or II Both Paper I & II

  • General/OBC Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1200/-

  • SC/ST/Diff. Abled Person Rs. 500/- Rs. 600/-

The candidates must note that the examination city of their choice will be allotted on first cum first served basis only as per availability of capacity in the city of examination. The candidates, who complete the online application process and pay the fee on ffirst cum first served basis, will be allotted the examination city of their choice as per availability in that particular city. The total capacity in a particular city will also be available on the portal. If the total capacity of a particular city is full during completion of application process or making payment of examination fee or updation of transaction on portal, the candidate will be given the option either to select any other city or cancel the transaction. If a candidate cancels the transaction, full fee will be refunded to his/her account as per mode of payment and application will not be considered for this examination of CTET. The request for change of examination city will not be accepted in any case. It may also be noted that if the total capacity is full in a particular city while filling on-line application, the candidate has no right to claim for the allotment of examination center in that particular city and Board will not be responsible for it. So the candidates are advised to complete their application process without waiting for last date.



षष्टम चरण: 26 जनवरी 1950

वर्तमान राजस्थान

राजस्थान के एकीकरण की प्रक्रिया चल रही थी, तब सिरोही रियासत के शासक नाबालिग थे। इस कारण सिरोही रियासत का कामकाज दोबागढ की महारानी की अध्यक्षता में एजेंसी कौंसिल देख रही थी जिसका गठन भारत की सत्ता हस्तांतरण के लिए किया गया था। सिरोही रियासत के एक हिस्से आबू-देलवाडा को लेकर विवाद के कारण आबू देलवाडा सहित 89 गाँवों को बंबई प्रान्त(सौराष्ट्र, गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र) में मिला दिया गया। इसमें गोकुल लाल असावा का गाँव हाथळ भी शामिल था। इसके अतिरिक्त शेष रियासत 26 जनवरी 1950 को संयुक्त विशाल राजस्थान में विलय हो जाने पर इसका नाम ‘राजस्थान’ कर दिया गया। 26 जनवरी, 1950 को राजस्थान को ‘B’ या ‘ख’ श्रेणी का राज्य बनाया गया।

  • राजस्थानसंघ – वृहतर राजस्थान + सिरोही – आबु देलवाड़ा
  • राजधानी-जयपुर
  • महाराजप्रमुख – भूपालसिंह (मेवाड)
  • राजप्रमुख– सवाई मानसिंह (जयपुर)
  • प्रधानमंत्री/मुख्यमंत्री– हीरालाल शास्त्री (प्रथम मनोनीत मुख्यमंत्री)

राजस्थान के मनोनीत मुख्यमंत्री

  • हीरालालशास्त्री
  • सी. एस. वेंकटाचारी(I.C.S)
  • जयनारायणव्यास

नोट :


MBA in National Institute of Technology Admission Open

MBA in National Institute of Technology

(An Institute of National Importance under the Ministryof Education, Govt. of India) KURUKSHETRA-136119 (Haryana)

 Admission Notice for Two-years full time Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme for the Session 2023-25


Department of Business Administration NIT,Kurukshetra is seeking applications from bright aspirants for its 2-year full time MBA Programme for the sessions 2023-25. Admission is based on weightages for the valid score of CAT/CMAT/MAT or any other National Level Test of 2022-2023 and performance in GD and PI to be held in the Institute.Application form and other information can be downloaded from the Institute Website:www.nitkkr.ac.in. The last date for the submission of completed application form is June 12th, 2023.

 Program Offered: – Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Duration – Two Year Full time

Website :- www.nitkkr.ac.in

Last date of Submitting Application  – June 12th, 2023.


IIT, Debauchery Ph.D (Full Time/ Part time ) program for July Session of the Academic Year 2023-24

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान पुदुचेरी

                                                                                                              National Institute of Technology ,Puducherry

                                                                                            (An Institution of National Importance under MoE, Govt. of India)


                                                                                                                                 Admission Notification

 Ph.D. (Full Time/Part Time) for 2023-24 July Session.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the above-mentioned program for July Session of the Academic Year 2023-24.

 Information brochure and application form are available at www.nitpy.ac.in.

                                                                                                                             Last date for submission of application form is May 31, 2023.

Candidates applying for Ph.D. programme shall apply only through the online application portal https://nitpyadm.samarth.edu.in/.

Application Fee:- A nonrefundable application fee of Rs. 1000/ (Rs.500/ for SC/ST/PWD) has to be paid through the application portal.

The last date of online application is 31May2023, 05:00PM.

    Steps to apply

    1. Create Login id using https://nitpyadm.samarth.edu.in/ by entering a valid email id and mobile number.

    2. Enter the login credentials and complete the personal profile.

    3. After completing the personal profile, apply for the intended program and make the payment through the portal.
    The nomenclature for application category selection is as follows:
  • Short Code Detail
    PhD in Chemistry Under Full Time
    PhD in Chemistry Under Part Time
    PhD in Civil Engg. Under Full Time
    PhD in Civil Engg. Under Part Time
    PhD in Computer Science and Engg. Under Full Time
    PhD in Computer Science and Engg. Under Part Time
    PhD in Electronics and Comm. Engg. Under Full Time
    PhD in Electronics and Comm. Engg. Under Part Time
    PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engg. Under Full Time
  • PHD_EEE_PartTime PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engg. Under PartTime
    PhD in Mathematics Under Full Time
    PhD in Mathematics Under Part Time
    PhD in Mechanical Engineering Under Full Time
    PhD in Mechanical Engineering Under Part Time
    PhD in Physics Under Full Time
    PhD in Physics Under Part Time
    PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences Under Full Time
    PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences Under Part Time
    Doctor of Philosophy (Education) (Physical Education)

NOTE: In case of the candidate is applying for PartTime External, Part Time Oncampus or Full Time sponsored admission category, the candidate must upload the relevant Form1A, Form1B, Form2, Form3 and NOC along with experience certificate in the relevant upload option. For queries, contact:
Associate Dean Academic,

National Institute of Technology Puducherry,
Thiruvettakudy, Karaikal 609609


CTET July 2023 Exam Date Out: बड़ा अपडेट! ऑफलाइन मोड में होगा सीटेट, एग्जाम डेट का नोटिस जारी Central Teacher Eligibility Test

CTET July 2023 Exam Date Out: बड़ा अपडेट! ऑफलाइन मोड में होगा सीटेट, एग्जाम डेट का नोटिस जारी Central Teacher Eligibility Test The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct 17th edition of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in CBT (Computer Based Test -...


षष्टम चरण: 26 जनवरी 1950 वर्तमान राजस्थान राजस्थान के एकीकरण की प्रक्रिया चल रही थी,...

MBA in National Institute of Technology Admission Open

MBA in National Institute of Technology (An Institute of National Importance under the Ministryof Education, Govt. of India) KURUKSHETRA-136119 (Haryana)  Admission Notice for Two-years full time Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme for the Session...

IIT, Debauchery Ph.D (Full Time/ Part time ) program for July Session of the Academic Year 2023-24

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान पुदुचेरी                                                                                                               National Institute of Technology ,Puducherry...

Admission M.Sc. / Ph.D. (Neuroscience) of NBRC 2023

Application Procedure for M.Sc. / Ph.D. programmes if applying through the JGEEBILS channel NBRC conducts cutting-edge research in diverse areas of the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience. Visit our faculty research pages on the NBRC website to get a flavour of...


Admission M.Sc. / Ph.D. (Neuroscience) of NBRC 2023

Application Procedure for M.Sc. / Ph.D. programmes if applying through the JGEEBILS channel

NBRC conducts cutting-edge research in diverse areas of the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience. Visit our faculty research pages on the NBRC website to get a flavour of ongoing work. If you are enthusiastic about a career in brain research, do consider joining our Ph.D. or M.Sc. (Neuroscience) programme.

Ph.D. (Neuroscience)

Given the fact that modern day neuroscience is highly interdisciplinary in nature and relies on a spectrum of techniques spanning different disciplines, students from diverse academic backgrounds are encouraged to join NBRC and excel in neuroscience research. Our Ph.D. students come from vastly different backgrounds such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Medical Sciences.


To gain an all-round perspective of neuroscience, you will undergo one year of coursework, where you will learn from molecular to computational neuroscience. You will also get an opportunity to rotate in various labs to get a closer look at the research work, and zero-in on what excites you the most.

All admitted candidates receive a Junior Research Fellowship of ₹ 31,000 per month + HRA (in lieu of hostel accommodation) for the first two years. After two years, you will be eligible for a Senior Research Fellowship of ₹ 35,000 per month + HRA (in lieu of hostel accommodation).

If you fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria , you can appear for one of the many different examinations to qualify for the Ph.D. admission interview. Click here to learn about the entrance examinations.

Click here to learn about the application process for the Ph.D. programme

M.Sc. (Neuroscience)

This is a two-year programme. During the first year, Masters students at NBRC have to go through an intensive course-work which provides them a firm grounding in molecular, systems, computational and cognitive neuroscience. Practical courses are also included for a hands-on experience with various techniques which are used in modern neuroscience research. In second year, students select a lab to do a full time research project. You might be eligible to switch to the Ph.D. programme of NBRC after successfully completing the requirements for the M.Sc. programme. Click here for more information.

All the students are provided a fellowship of ₹ 12,000 per month.

If you fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria for admission to our M.Sc. programme, you need to appear for Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS December 2022). Selected candidates will be called for interview.

Click here to find out if you fulfil minimum eligibility criteria for admission to our M.Sc. programme.

Click here to learn about the application process for the M.Sc. programme.

Application Procedure for M.Sc. / Ph.D. programmes if applying through the JGEEBILS channel

JGEEBILS (Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences) examination is one of the ways to qualify for admission to the Ph.D. programme. For other channels, please visit the admissions page (Click here)

JGEEBILS is the only qualifying examination for admission to the M.Sc. (Neuroscience) programme.


Step 1:   Check if you fulfil minimum criteria for admission to the NBRC Ph.D. or M.Sc. (Neuroscience) programme here
Step 2:   Apply for JGEEBILS (December 2022)
Step 3:   Apply here to NBRC Ph.D. programme before 16th May 2023 or M.Sc. programme before 31st March 2023. You must apply to NBRC using this link. Merely applying for JGEEBILS does not automatically send your application to NBRC.
Step 4:   Pay the required amount of fee as described here

If you are eligible for both M.Sc. (Neuroscience) and Ph.D. programmes, you can choose to apply for both the programmes by filling in separate online application forms (by using different email-ids) or sending application by post / courier. You will have to pay the fee separately for each programme.

Apply Offline (by post/courier)

NBRC prefers online applications. If you are unable or unwilling to apply online, you can apply offline.

Candidates who wish to apply by offline mode need to obtain application form from NBRC. In order to obtain the application form, please send a self-addressed A-4 size envelope to Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar-122052 Dist. Gurgaon (Haryana) indicating –

  • The programme to which they wish to apply.
  • The channel through which they wish to apply if applying for Ph.D. programme.

The last date of receipt of requests for hard copy of the application form at NBRC is : 1st March 2023.

The last date of receipt of requests for hard copy of the application form at NBRC is : 31st March 2023

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